From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Kitchen is Flooded & Other Disasters

November 14, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Brianna Campbell, the proprietress of Work It Brooklyn writes:

Hi Heather! I hope you’re well!

I wanted to ask if you would help WIB promote an event we are hosting with Brooklyn Based, to raise funds for ReStore Red Hook…

Thanks so much for any help you’re able to give. If not, no worries, I hope to see you soon!


Hurricane Sandy: Relief (The Kitchen is Flooded and Other Disasters: Chefs Storytelling and Food Professionals Networking in Support of Red Hook Businesses)
November 27, 2012 starting at 7:30 p.m.
Price of admission: $15.00 plus fee
Brooklyn Brewery
79 North 11 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Another Word From D.I. Hurson

November 10, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As some of you might recall, the 94th Precinct has an officer who resides in the Rockaways. Wishing to help their neighbors in need, our Finest are taking collections at their HQ at 100 Meserole Avenue. Here is what they need the most:

As of now, toys are not being collected. What is need are diapers, cleaning items and garbage bags.

As you will note Mr. Hurson states toys are presently NOT being collected. This was not a random bit of information on his part. Rather, it was in reply to an inquiry from yours truly. One which I am going to publish here. Very simply put, the proprietress of the Williamsburg Greenpoint News + Arts and myself are endeavoring to implement a toy drive. Our thinking is come next month there will be a LOT of children in our fair city who could really use some holiday cheer.

This project is very much in the works. Nonetheless, I am asking the following of you, gentle readers/fellow bloggers:

  1. We need goodies.
  2. We need businesses to serve as drop-off points for said goodies.
  3. We need help getting these goodies collected and dispatched. And most importantly of all:
  4. We need to know where to deliver said goodies!

Regarding the lattermost item: Obviously the Rockaways will be one— but surely there are other communities which have been overlooked? Anyone interested in helping with any of the above-listed points please shoot me an email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Please indicate “Toy Drive” in your subject line. Thanks!


From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part IV: Help Orlando

November 6, 2012 ·
Filed under: New York City, Queens 


Charles Le Brigand (AKA: Stephane Missier, whose coverage of the devastation in the Rockaways in the wake of Sandy has been nothing short of phenomenal) writes:

I was taking pictures in The Rockaways last Saturday when I met Orlando. Orlando Fernandez lost everything in the fire that took place after Hurricane Sandy tore through The Rockaways. The blaze destroyed an entire block on Rockaway Beach Blvd and burned down the apartment where Orlando was living with his wife and his two young daughters. He was renting a two bedroom apartment above a laundromat for the past 9 years. Rockaway “era un lugar hermoso, a beautiful place to live” before “Sandy came and destroyed everything” he said.

Orlando was standing stoic amongst the ruins of his vanished shelter pointing at his burnt belongings. “I am tired of crying, I don’t have tears anymore”, he said before picking-up his daughter’s coloring books.

“The city should have shut down the power” to avoid the flames; “firefighters did not arrived on time to save the building because of the flooding” he said. Sandy took away “my whole life, my wedding’s pictures, everything”.

Orlando and his family are safe and sound and dry and are living with a friend in Jackson Heights temporarily. But to this date, Orlando has no news from the owner of his house nor news from the insurance company.

Orlando NEEDS our help!
If you want to donate money, please visit the fundrazr page
If you want to donate blankets, clothes, food, water, milk for his daughters please contact me at

You can also help by sharing or tweeting his story.

Thank you.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Emergency Relief Workshop

This item will undoubtedly be of interest to a number of small business owners who have been impacted by hurricane Sandy. This upcoming Friday, November 9th, starting at 1:30 p.m. the folks at EWVIDCO, along with Councilmembers Diana Reyna and Steve Levin will be conducting an Emergency Relief Workshop. The above missive outline rather explicitly what attendees need to provide. This is a great opportunity for anyone who needs help negotiating the copious paperwork required to receive assistance and get his/her businesses back up and running. What’s more, it is totally free! Check it out!

Emergency Relief Workshop
Friday, November 9, 2012 starting at 1:30 p.m.
NOTE: You must RSVP!
11 Catherine Street,  Third Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11211 

A Request From The Greenpoint Reformed Church

November 4, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Ann Kansfield writes today, November 4, 2012 at 10:20 p.m.:

Could you please post this for me? Thanks. We just got a request from Councilman Brad Lander’s office: 400 lunches are needed for medically frail seniors staying in the shelter at the Armory. We need them delivered by 1pm. Here’s the plan: show up at the Reformed Church 136 Milton St. at 9am. If you can, please bring bread, fruit, beverages, etc. We’ll be working hard on this from 9 am to noon. At noon, we’ll pack them in my car and drive them over. For those of you staying up late, feel free to bake cookies, brownies, etc. and drop them off tomorrow morning. Pastor Ann is going to attempt to coordinate this, since Ann Carroll needs a break. So please, be patient with her. If anyone is good at organizing stuff like this, feel free to let her know and she’ll gladly put you in charge. Thanks for all the great work. Please forward this around as I’m a little worried we might not have enough volunteers since most folks are going back to work and it’s early in the day tomorrow.

Gladly posted. Thanks Ann!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Raffle Prizes Wanted

November 4, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As many who are reading this are undoubtedly aware, my colleague at Greenpointers is organizing a benefit for our neighbors in need as a result of hurricane Sandy. In order to make this happen, she needs raffle prizes. This is where we come in. Jen G. writes:

Seeking Raffles From Local Businesses For Online #Sandy Fundraiser

Greenpointers seeks raffle prize donations from local businesses for Sandy Relief Online Fundraiser, which has begun and will end Sunday November 11, 2012 at 11:59pm.

Raffles will cost $10.

Raffles prizes will be featured on our Sandy Raffle Fundraiser Page.

All proceeds will be donated to New York Cares, specifically for Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts in NYC.

To donate a prize please email: greenpointers at the following info:

Subject: Sandy Relief Raffle (name of your business)

Body: 1. Name of Your Business 2. Link To Website 3. Description of Prize 4. Photo of prize if available or your business logo 5. Value of Prize

Winners will be notified on Monday November 12, 2012 and will be emailed your contact directly to claim prize.

Ex. Gift Certificates, Gift Baskets, Memberships, Experiences

Thanks in advance for your support! We hope to raise a lot of money for our fellow New Yorkers in this time of great need.

If you would like to buy a raffle ticket, donate here.

UPDATE, 5:47 p.m.: It has been brought to my attention that Greenpointers has a bevy of prizes— now all they need are us to buy raffle tickets. This you can do by clicking here.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Word From D.I. Hurson

November 3, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

The very own head of the 94th Precinct writes:

Heather if anyone wants to donate food, clothing and baby stuff they can drop things off at the 94. One of my PO’s who lives in Rockaway will deliver them to needy families.

So there have you— and thanks Mr. Hurson!

94th Precinct
100 Meserole Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

LAST GASP: And Now A Word From Jimmy Van Bramer

It has come to my attention that a number of my friends across the creek (READ: Long Island City and Sunnyside) want to know how they can lend a hand to those who need it. As you can see, Mr. Van Bramer is on it.

Vollies/Drivers Needed
Saturday, November 3rd 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Monday, November 5th – Friday, November 9th 9:00 a,m, – 6:00 p.m.
City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer’s Office
47-01 Queens Boulevard, Suite 205
Sunnyside, Queens 11104 

Spotted On Driggs Avenue: Another Way We Can Help

Those who are interested in making donations can (should) contact the organizer of this most worthy endeavor at: hesterstreetrecovery (at) gmail (dot) com. Let’s lend a hand to our friends across the river, Greenpointers!

And Now A Word From Our City Councilman

North ‘Pointers who want to lend a helping hand to our less fortunate neighbors please be advised of— and share— the following. City Councilman Levin writes:

Thanks to Rev. John Merz, our office is setting up a temporary satellite at Church of the Ascension at 122 Java St. Rami Metal will be there from 10-6 throughout the weekend and we are collecting donations to send to those in need of supplies in the Rockaways, Coney Island, Gerritsen Beach, Staten Island, Red Hook, and Downtown Manhattan. So far the response at our district office at 410 Atlantic Ave has been extraordinary, and we’re coordinating multiple trips every day (special thanks to the volunteers who has lent their cars) but it’s been very difficult for Greenpointers to get down here.

Donations that are particularly needed right now are:
-non-perishable food, baby food
-clothing, baby clothing
-work gloves
-large garbage bags, cleaning supplies, basic tools

Rami can also help with Con Ed and small business issues and Congresswoman Maloney’s office has offered to help with FEMA, small business, and other issues as well…

Thank you Greenpoint/Williamsburg!

No, thank you Mr. Levin and Reverend “Pastor-in-Charge” Merz!
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