New York Shitty Day Starter: Noble Street


Taken January 15, 2013.

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Stoophenge, Revisited

As captured this morning on Java Street. This is Greenpoint people. Live it. Learn it. Love it.

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Strange Brew

From Olive Street.

Photo Credits/Props: The Zeus (?) shot was taken by my travelling companion du jour: Jay. Thanks!

New York Shitty Day Ender: Bedford Avenue

Enormous Face

Taken by Jonathan Percy.

Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Special Good Friday Edition

Today, not feeling particularly inclined to blog, I decided to take a stroll down Manhattan Avenue. One thing I wished to capture during my sojourn is what is and will probably always be “Good Friday” in the Garden Spot for yours truly: the 30-40 feet long lines of people patiently waiting to purchase their holiday kielbasa. It was after taking the above photo I spied some rather interesting (and ostensibly Easter-related) merrymaking right behind me!


Note the rather large hunk of meat pressed into service as an incense holder. I found this rather nice (“fucking awesome” to be precise) and told its creator, Ziiggy, so.

His partner in this endeavor, Yusef (Yes two of Greenpoint’s more notable fellows have joined forces— god help us!), opted to ham it up for my kielbasa-capturing camera. I really liked his daring pairing of a suit with no footwear whatsoever. It is bold statements such as this which make Manhattan Avenue (in my humble opinion) the vanguard of fashion. But I digress. Ziiggy explained to me (after making it clear that humans were designed to be carnivores) that he was planning on rolling out an even more extensive display tomorrow, film it and post it online. Needless to say I can hardly wait to see this. That was when our conversation concluded, as passing a chap voiced interest in a guitar Ziiggy had for sale.

Not having the foresight to know where this exchange was headed, I turned off my camera. This is a shame because when I did, it started getting interesting. Follows is a synopsis what came to pass:

1. The man offers $50.00 for the guitar.
2. Ziiggy balks, demands more money and asserts what he needs to do is “play”.
3. The prospective purchaser asserts it is not worth a penny more than his offer.
4. Ziiggy terminated the haggling session with two words every New Yorker holds near and dear:

Fuck you!

Happy Good Friday, Greenpoint!

New York Shitty Day Starter: A McCarren Park PSA

From Lorimer Street.

Great Moments In Greenpoint Hospitality: Mr. Tambourine Man

Yesterday some of you might have noticed that New York Shitty was offline for a considerable period of time. Apparently the host for this site had a problem at one of its data centers and, well, you get the idea. Ordinarily this would infuriate yours truly to no end— but not this time. Given the lovely weather I was not the least bit inclined to sit in front of a monitor. My site’s dysfunction and my own were in perfect synchronicity. Thus, I opted to go for a walk.

What started as an ostensible shopping foray for socks (which have been disappearing at an alarming rate of late) ended up with a little value-added in the way of a tambourine and travel guide for Greece (as seen above). How did this happen, you ask? I will tell you.

On March 16th I wrote (in this post about an ad hoc art exhibition on Noble Street):

…In any case the creator of these works is a seriously nice fellow. So much so I feel compelled to warn my fellow Greenpointers: if you demonstrate too much interest you may very well find yourself walking home with one. For free! That’s what happened to me back in 2008.

During yesterday’s peregrinations I spied a new work of art gracing Noble Street…

and being a lover of sunflowers and hearts I paused to get a closer shot. That’s when I caught the attention of this work’s creator, Yusef, (who happened to be wearing the above-depicted tambourine on his head). After applauding him on his fashion sense a discussion ensued.

First, he told me about his latest series of paintings which are of sunflowers. I concurred that sunflowers are quite wonderful (because they are). He then suggested I take the sunflower he had affixed to nearby street sign (at left) and wear it in my hair. I demurred, stating that I much preferred it in its current location (because I do). That’s when he removed the tambourine from his head and offered it to me. Upon discerning it was not a good fit (too big) I opted to use it in a more conventional manner: shake it with my hand. After having had my share of fun with this item, I attempted to give it back to Yusef. He would not hear of it. He said (and I quote):

I’ll probably be drunk soon anyway and I should probably not have it. Besides, I have twelve more at home.

He then proceeded to give me a Greek travel guide, told me to call him from Greece when I went there and concluded our discussion by shouting at nearby companion to watch his work while he went to acquire some cognac.

Does the story end here? No gentle readers, it does not. Now jump forward to 7:30 p.m.

That’s when I spied this festively clad fellow guarding a cup of coffee at a public pay phone on Manhattan Avenue. The owner of both noticed my shutter-bugging and came over. This was, of course, Yusef. It took him a moment to recognize me, but recognize me he did. He applauded my husband on his fashion sense and offered to share the contents of this cup (which was most assuredly NOT coffee) with us. We politely declined. Nonetheless, we were touched by the offer.

I have said it many times before and I will say it again: Greenpointers have an incomparable generosity of spirit— or would that be spirits? This is a large part of the reason I live here. And while a Garden Spotter may not give you the proverbial (or literal) shirt off his (or her) back, you might find yourself walking home with a tambourine and travel guide for Greece.

Crosstown Local Photo du Jour: Believe

Yesterday upon exiting the G train at Greenpoint Avenue I happened upon this missive. Being a lover of anything involving extra-terrestrials (which the authors of this missive presume Crosstown Local patrons may have encountered— and they may be onto something here), my curiosity got the best of me. I made the call. At a casual listen this solicitation seems to be on the up and up (although it may very well simply be viral advertising for MIB3). Interested parties can view the website for this endeavor by clicking here. TIP: check out the archive of UFO-related news. There you will find a tome entitled “Suffering Slings And Arrows Of Fatuously Impacted Boobs!” (Really)

New York Shitty Day Starter: Househenge

The above arrangement (which is located at 146 1/2 Java Street) has long been a fascination (and personal favorite) of mine. For this reason I make it a point to walk by periodically so as to see how this ever-changing creation is progressing. Yesterday I noted a couple of new additions without further ado, here they are.

A wall.

And this rock garden.

Does anyone have the 411 on what this is about and/or who is responsible for this? Quite frankly I am fascinated and need to know! If you have anything to tender regarding this Garden Spot mystery please do so via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Thanks!

Now At The Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch: Peanut Butter!

This item comes courtesy of a chap we’ll call “T”. He writes (in an email aptly titled “WTF?”):

Rows of peanut butter at park at end of Manhattan Ave??

Follows are a few observations/thoughts:

  1. While nice, the partially consumed jar of chocolate body paint I found on West Street several years ago still reigns supreme.
  2. Where the hell is the jelly?!?
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