East Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Going Green




This white Ford Bronco-cum-carbecque hails from White Street. While certainly rendered “green” by virtue of the fact it has been rendered non-functional (zero emissions!) I have to wonder which carbon foot prints is larger: the one made by its incineration, or the one which would have been generated if it had been allowed to continue its humble service? Anyone? O.J. Simpson, perhaps?


New York Shitty Day Starter: Manhattan Avenue

October 30, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Carbecque, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Last night a carbecque came to pass in the Garden Spot.

Fortuitously, the sombrero was unharmed.

P.S.: Those of you who are wondering about exactly what the hell happened can get the skinny by clicking here.

What’s Up On Manhattan Avenue?

October 29, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Carbecque, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I imagine a number of my fellow north ‘Pointers noticed a great many police cars and Fire Department personnel stationed at Green Street and Manhattan Avenue this evening (around 10:30 p.m.) and are wondering what’s up. No worries, I have the 411— and it appears to nothing to do with Sandy.

Rather, an automobile parked in front of Cafecito Bogota (1013 Manhattan Avenue) caught on fire. I am pleased to report our Bravest* got matters under control before they got out of hand. This is quite remarkable given the carbecque in question was illegally parked in front of a fire hydrant. Whoops. In any case, way to go guys!

*One of whom referred to the absent owner of said vehicle as, and I quote, “an asshole”.

Spotted On Meserole Street: The Thirst Quencher…

…among other things.

New York Shitty Carbecque du Jour: Bushwick Style

February 9, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11237, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, Carbecque, Street Art 

The above specimen (which hails from Jefferson Street) was until fairly recently the canvas for some social commentary about the situation in Egypt. You can view Poster Boy NYC’s photograph of it by clicking here.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Carbecque Watch: The Great Gatsby

It’s been a while since yours truly has stumbled upon a carbecque. Fortunately today yours truly went for a nice long walk. It was at the intersection of McKibben and White Street I discerned a familiar aroma. I followed my nose.

Note the pair of pants in the foreground. It has been yours trulys experience that many a dramatic situation begins— or ends— with someone losing his or her pants. Let’s go in for a closer look, shall we?

Here’s a rear view.

Here’s a shot of the interior.

An unharmed copy of Fundamentals of Statistics graces the backseat.

Outside one can find a chemistry manual. But what piqued my interest is the book at the bottom left-hand corner.

Is that what I think it is?

I asked myself. So I knelt down to take a closer look.


Miss Heather

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Bushwick Place Carbeque

Today yours truly finally felt well enough to take a walk. A five hour walk to be precise. To this end I bundled up, braved the brisk weather and marched bravely forward to see the best (and worst) that north Brooklyn has to offer.

It was at Bushwick Place and Boerum Street that I stumbled upon this hot mess of a carbeque.

Here’s another view.


While not on par with the India Street carbeque (which is yours truly’s all time favorite) or this one from Ellery Street (which sported clown paraphenalia in the trunk) this specimen is compelling in its own way. Why, you ask? Very simple: while this ride sports no tires whatsoever on its axels…

they were rather abundant nonetheless.


Miss Heather

Bushwick Carbeque Watch: Homie Don’t Play That

September 8, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11206, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, Carbecque, Criminal Activity 

Today, as many of you know, did not start on a very auspicious note for yours truly. Instead of letting a little black grime set the tone for my day I looked at it this way:

It can only get better from here.

And that, it did. After doing a little cursory cleaning I met up with a very talented photographer (and fellow Greenpointer!): Noah Devereaux. We proceeded to walk from Greenpoint to Broadway Junction. It took us the better part of four hours to do this— but do it we did! We saw a lot of interesting stuff and met some very interesting people along the way. It was on Ellery Street that we stumbled upon the following: a carbeque.

There’s a lot more going on here than initially meets the eye, as you will see!

Here are a couple of shots of the front.

The interior proved to be a treasure trove of interesting items including— but not limited to:

  • An umbrella

  • An empty pack of ciggies and bottle of soda

  • And a lease

But the real object of interest (and what makes this carbeque truly special in my humble opinion) resides in the trunk:

  • Clown paraphernalia.

If this car could talk I am certain it would have quite the interesting tale to tell.

But for now we’ll have to be content with the mystery. I guess this is how they roll in Bushwick.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Schadenfreude

This image of last weekend’s carbecque comes courtesy of Alex Gaidouk. While I am on the subject, I have noticed that a great many people purport that this particular automobile has a proclivity for spontaneously combusting— and it runs upwards $350,000 a pop. What kind of person would outlay that kind of money for such a item? I’d really like to know.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Southside Carbecque

My tipster, Enia (who took the above photograph), writes:

Hey Heather,

Not sure if you heard about this yet, or not, but it was pretty spectacular.

A Lamborghini BLEW UP on Rodney Street, which serves as the off-ramp for the BQE’s Metropolitan Avenue exit.

Here’s a picture of the FDNY putting it out.   Insane.

According to some kids who got there before me, they saw two guys running from the car just before it blew up so they speculate it was stolen.  We think the owner showed up just as FDNY was done putting it out.

Craziness: it’s not every day a $250,000 fireballs.

Indeed. So I suppose it goes in the “new” Williamsburg. Why roast something as pedestrian as, say, a Volvo when you can wreak a quarter million dollars of mayhem?

Miss Heather

UPDATE, June 28, 2010: The folks at Jalopnik have ascertained this fire was started by a DVD player. One word: wow.

P.S.: You can see a larger image of this carbecue by clicking here.

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