THIS WEEKEND: Book Drive Social


This item comes courtesy of a very nice lady named Christa. She writes:

Dear Heather,

The recession has affected nearly all New Yorkers in a variety of ways, but one of the groups hardest hit has been the New York City public schools.  Already under significant financial strain, now operating budgets in many schools have been drastically reduced as students, teachers and parents find themselves trying to do more with far less.  Everyone agrees that educating our public school students is important, but with everyone feeling the economic pinch, how can the average New Yorker make a difference?

This is where Book Drive Social comes in.  Hosted by TheMusic.FM and Quailhead Designs this Sunday, September 13 at 6:00pm, Book Drive Social has been organized to allow New Yorkers help public schools in Brooklyn; in many cases, without even donating money. Most twenty-somethings still have young adult literature (YAL) from their youth lying around somewhere; books cherished but no longer read can be brought to Book Drive Social to be redistributed to public schools in Brooklyn.  But not to worry – if you just can’t part with your copy of The Outsiders, you can still join Book Drive Social for a mere $8!  This small donation is admission to the event featuring music spun by ddpesh, readings by local authors, an open mic, and food and drink specials.  This recession buster is a way for people to make a difference without breaking the bank.  ALL PROCEEDS go to Mott Hall IV Middle School in Ocean-Hill/Brownsville…

In the clarity that is 30-something hindsight I have come to realize that I was provided a very enviable upbringing; not only did the public schools I attended sport well- appointed libraries, but my parents were in a position financially to provide me pretty much and and all reading material I desired. Many would (rightfully) call this a “privileged” childhood. It shouldn’t be: all children— regardless of race, creed and socio-economic status— should experience the joy of reading a good book. This is their right and I believe it is our responsibility as a society to give it to them. In this respect (and many others) we have failed our youth miserably.

If you have some books (and/or bucks) to spare, please swing by the Book Drive Social this Sunday and give the gift that keeps on giving. Not only will you feel good later (and partake of some tunes) but you’ll be helping a great cause!

Book Drive Social
Sunday, September 13 starting at 6:00 p.m.
The Lovin’ Cup Cafe
93 North 6 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Now if you don’t mind I’m off to scrounge up my copy of Catcher In The Rye

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Iris Absinthe

September 9, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 


From Meserole Avenue.

Miss Hetaher

New York Shitty Day Ender: Sweetpoint

September 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

To close on a more upbeat and food related note, today I spied a new bakery moving into 230 Calyer Street.


Yes, I too cringed a little when I noticed this establishment is to be called “Sweetpoint”. But you know what? It has grown on me. Enough so that moving forward when people ask me where I live I am going to proclaim— with my little 11222 heart glowing with pride:


Miss Heather

P.S.: On a related note the long-awaited renovation of the Taco Bell/KFC across the street appears to be nearing completion. Liquid cheese, here I come!

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: GUERNSEY 150

September 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Um, could you tell me who these garbage cans belong to again???

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Gentrification?!?


Interesting things happen when I stay up late. Mind you, they are not usually good things. But this case may very well be an exception: in the wee hours of the morning today the following found its way into my inbox.

Anni Atkinson of (Yes kids, that’s Australia) writes:

have you ever heard of GENTRIFICATION?

well, not many people have which is surprising as it effects us all.

so, I am attempting to do something about this! well, me and the team at Earthsharing Australia! I work with a not-for-profit called Earthsharing that offers free education services on economics and we focus on economic justice for all.

Currently we are working on an international film competition with the theme of ‘Gentrification’ which looks at issues of gentrification and how such cycles effect creative communities and artists in our cities. First Prize is $3000, with runner up prizes from Madman and Crumpler.

your blog is rad and we would be honored if you could throw a little love our way and mention the film competition to your readers!

Please contact me for more details including a press release or an e-flyer.

In the mean time, check out our website for more details!

The first line of this email made me erupt into fits of uncontrollable (and demented) laughter. Have I heard of gentrification? Feeling more than a little raffish, I wrote back:

You are asking  ME, a resident of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, USA (which is located pretty much halfway around the globe from you), to inform my readership about film competition about  GENTRIFICATION?!? Greenpoint: a neighborhood where a “luxury” condos proliferate in the shadow of the east coast’s largest WASTE TREATMENT PLANT? Where environmental issues the likes of which you cannot begin to comprehend remain unabated. And yet artists are being pushed out because there are people willing to dole out $2,000+ USD rent for a one bedroom/studio for this?

Give me the fuggin’ flier, your creds and press release— STAT.

Well, she did.


I’ve done some poking around and this contest is 100% legit. Let’s show our friends down under how our fair city treats the creative community and everyone else who cannot a condo or $2,000 a month rent? You can get the 411 on how to enter this contest by checking out Earthsharing’s web site or by emailing them at: timmah (at) earthsharing (dot) org (dot) au

NOTE: they are currently requiring that entries be mails. I have suggested they accept submissions via YouTube as mailing matter overseas can be both costly and dicey. They are looking into it.

Otherwise, you can play the Gentrification Game by clicking here. Simply put you are a landlord/speculator and your goal is to kick out tenants. Play it. It’s a fucking HOOT!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Earthsharing also has a number of interesting videos on YouTube. Check ’em out. You’ll find the tales contained therein eerily familiar.

Greenpoint Food Watch: Mexican Comes To Franklin!

September 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

The one thing I constantly crave but have the damnedest time finding is a honest-to-god, no frills “home style” cheese enchilada. You know the type: red sauce, cheese, lots of onions and little else? Well, I usually schlep to Manhattan for this fare but that may very well become a thing of the past.


Some of you might have noticed activity at Casa Mon Amour’s old space at 162 Franklin Street. Well, I was commenting about it to the Mister on my cell phone when a gentleman overheard me and said something that was music to my ears:

It’s going to be a Mexican restaurant.

Needless to say when I got home I headed over to Community Board 1’s web site without delay to verify this. He’s correct:



Miss Heather

Viridian Death Watch: Another One Bites The Dust

September 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Abjectecture, Asshole, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Remember a couple of weeks ago when Jay Lombard of Dog Habitat brought the above little fella (and two of his equally deceased feathered friends) to our attention? He had ascertained that the glass windows of Greenpoint’s favorite nondo, the Viridian, was to blame for their demise; the reflection cast from them was fooling these cedar waxwings— which should be noted are currently migrating south— to fly into them. Well, it is with heavy heart that I inform you 110 Green Street has claimed another victim.


And this time— instead of picking his (or her) fragile little body up— Magic’s funky bunch simply swept him along with all the other “trash” (gracing the western end of their property) onto their neighbor’s lot.


You’re a real class act, Viridian.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Helicopters?

Shashi writes:

know anything about those incessant helicopters over greenpoint from 6-7:30 in the morning? traffic copters? how does one complain about them?

Truth be told Shashi, I am not 100% clear on what your recourse is. However if you are writing in reference to the helicopters flying around the waterfront this morning methinks I can give you answer. I have it on very good intelligence that our very own Mayor was in the far north Garden Spot conducting some kind of dog and pony show which we will undoubtedly be subjected to in the near future. I am certain the message will (more or less) be:

Everything’s just great!

Had our fearless leader bothered to actually step out where the common peasants live he would quickly ascertain things most decidedly are not.


Looks like the natives are getting restless.


I hate Greenpoint Nazis.

Some of my colleagues amplifiers in the print media might have noticed I have given no indication whatsoever as to where either of the previous items are to be found. You can rest assured they are in Greenpoint and the lack of naming their specific locations was no oversight on my part. If you are going to earn your livelihood plagiarizing my work I’m going to make good and damned sure to make you work for it.

Now that I have undoubtedly sent a pack of hack reporters scurrying around the Garden Spot looking for Nazi lamp posts*, do you have any advice, dear readers as to how Shashi should handle her noise problem? My educated guess is she needs to call 311 and file a complaint with the Department of Environmental Protection.

Miss Heather

*Oh yeah— if think you’re being clever by referencing the comment Tony left on this post:

This is much better than the swastikas I’ve been noticing on lamp post bases lately… just saw another today on Nassau @ Russell.

You’re not. As of 3:00 this afternoon there were no swastikas whatsoever to be found at this location. My guess is (given the police presence I saw there) they had been made note of and removed. Happy hunting!

Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Cupid

September 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 


This is one of the few nice things to be seen on Dupont Street nowadays.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Oh Oh Oh!

September 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Yes, I realize this is incredibly juvenile, immature, sophomoric, and so forth. But someone has taken to writing this missive of personal woe on West Street between Greenpoint Avenue and Calyer Street. At last count there were four of them: two on the east and west sides of West Street respectively.


And— at long last— someone has responded!

Miss Heather

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