LAST GASP: “Lucky” Is Lost!

Okay. I have fallen behind in my reporting on the state of our local shop cats. I’ve been busy. What’s more, the Mister has been experiencing some, um, gastronomical distress of the rainbow smile variety of late. Hillary Clinton once said it takes a village to raise a child. If what I have observed the last few days is any indication I’d say it takes a pride to watch the Mister vomit. For reasons only known to them our felines find this act— in which they all indulge with blase abandon— fascinating. Maybe it’s love? All I know is I had to clean up a pool of spilled pink hair dye and have a kitten with one pink toe as a result. The party never stops at Chez Shitty. But I digress.

I first became aware of Lucky (whose place of work and play is the P.A. Deli Grill Grocery at 145 Franklin Street, as seen above) via my buddy Rowan.

She writes:

the most bad-ass bodega kitten in Greenpoint takes a much-needed breather after giving attitude to 3 dogs, one jogger and engaging in endless pouncing.

If you have seen Lucky or know of his whereabouts please contact his peeps at P & A Deli. STAT. Thanks!

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: Rowan save the D & A Deli shot. That was taken by yours truly.


4 Comments on LAST GASP: “Lucky” Is Lost!

  1. mistress.mouse on Sun, 25th Jul 2010 1:37 pm
  2. This is not a surprise, considering the last two weekends I found Lucky outside playing twice – once in the street in front of the laundromat, once out in front of Brooklyn Label. The first time, a concerned gpointer went to the deli to let them know while I made sure the kitten didn’t get hit by Franklin traffic. Someone from the deli came out to get the kitty and bring him back to the shop. The second time, I swung by the deli to let them know their kitten was across the street and the person working told me the cat liked to play outside, and that was that. I assume, given the amount of attention the kitten was getting both times he was out unattended, that someone picked him up and took him home thinking he was a street cat. I hope it doesn’t mean he actually ended up being hit by traffic…people tend to drive very fast in that area.

  3. rowan on Mon, 26th Jul 2010 10:33 am
  4. mistress.mouse makes good points. i was concerned about Lucky’s being out of doors unattended. and by mistress.mouse’s observations, this little guy managed to get pretty far. i sincerely hope that he didn’t get hit by a car or met up with the wrong people: if the deli’s owners cannot keep their pet away from cars, then perhaps Lucky is better off if someone who knows how to take care of cats, “cat-napped” him.

  5. rowan on Mon, 26th Jul 2010 11:56 am
  6. and no, it wasn’t me though i was sorely tempted. currently fostering another lost/abandoned tuxedo kitten who was left outside on his own – and during a tornado watch, no less.

  7. PrisonEconomist on Thu, 29th Jul 2010 1:24 am
  8. I just saw this kitty outside in the parking lot at Franklin and Huron. I think he’s found a foster home amongst all the other strays from the hood. Not good news for the bodega owner as his pet has found a life elsewhere, but at least it hasn’t met its doom to the late night, red light running gypsy cars that speed down Franklin.

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