From The New York Shitty Inbox: Early Morning Antics On India?

This item comes from a woman we’ll call S. She writes:

Hey Miss Heather,

Early this a.m. (2:30?) my husband and I were awakened to commotion and yelling outside our house, which is mid block India St.between Franklin & Manhattan.  My husband looked out and saw cops restraining a young man on the asphalt between 2 parked cars.  A total of three police cars were converged on the scene, 2 having come down India St. the wrong way. The young man was strenuously restrained and loaded into a police car.  After which police officers searched the gutters and snow mounds with flashlights.  The police left about 3:30.   This scene was a lot like the gunfire incident on our block last year.  And it seems like gunplay is getting to be a recurring theme here in the point.  Have you heard anything about this incident?  Your blog was the first place I looked for information.  Yes you’re that much of a neighborhood resource!!  For which I say thanks.

First off, thanks for the nice words S. They are appreciated! Secondly, I have not heard anything about this incident. I have spent most of today enjoying the beautiful weather! If anyone reading this has the skinny on what went down please share via comments or via email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Your identity will remain anonymous if you so desire. Thanks!

Miss Heather


One Comment on From The New York Shitty Inbox: Early Morning Antics On India?

  1. KAA on Mon, 14th Feb 2011 7:33 pm
  2. I can’t speak to what happened on India street but going to CompStat often supplies interesting info:

    Sadly, it appears that there has been one rape, one murder, 7 robberies, 4 felony assaults and 12 burglaries in 94th precinct within the last month or so:

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