New York Shitty Videos du Jour: Kittens!

May 7, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

When I received word from Donna of Dog Habitat Rescue, that Queenie (as seen in the background) had a litter of fetching felines April 30th, I simply had to see the cuddly undulating cluster of kitten cuteness myself. And today— despite a churning stomach (courtesy of food poisoning)— I did. Kittens cure everything!

Here’s the proud mom.

This fellow struck me as being especially handsome.

But photos do not really get the point across— video is much better!

These kittens— and their incredibly sweet mother— will be up for adoption in a few weeks. When they are reasy to make their debut I will post it here!

Live From District Dog: Kittens & More!

August 19, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

When I saw the sign in front of District Dog stating there were kittens for adoption I simply HAD to see them.

And see them I did! More specifically: I parsed their naughty bits so as to ascertain their gender. By all appearances this sextet (which all hail from Sutton Street between Norman and Nassau Avenue) is entirely male. Hence why I have named this (incredibly cute) crew the “Greenpoint Sausagefest”. Without further ado here are some photographs and video footage of them. As you will soon see they are absolutely adorable— and VERY adoptable!

NOTE: while alarmed by my ringtone (Beyonce’s solo on Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”) they did not run away. This is something for potential adoptees (be they Beyonce fans, Lady Gaga fans— or both) to consider. These kittens will be up for adoption at District Dog tomorrow. After that they will be hanging their proverbial hat at Dog Habitat. Regardless, these winsome chaps need a home. Maybe yours?

Kittens For Adoption
August 20, 2011
District Dog
142 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

In closing I would be remiss if I did not mention that the previous (and rather rambunctious) crew has a neighbor.

I’ll let a chap we’ll call Ed take it from here:

If you feel so inclined would you mind putting this out on the wire for us? The cat in the attached flyer had been seen wandering around Diamond Street for the last week or so before Dog Habitat was kind enough to scoop her up and take her in. The cat was wearing a collar at first, leading us to believe s/he belongs to someone that may be looking for it.

Here’s the flier.

If anyone knows who this lass (chap?) belongs to or cares to give her (him?) a forever home please contact the fine folks at Dog Habitat at the above-listed telephone number.


Miss Heather



Found In McCarren Park…

This handsome (and very friendly) chap was found on May 6 near the McCarren Dog Run. “Rojo” (who sports a solitary pink spot on his nose) as he has been named by his current foster home (that being Dog Habitat) is an unneutered 12 -18 month old pit bull mix. While found wearing a collar it sported no tags. It has also been ascertained he has not been micro-chipped. If anyone reading this knows of this pup’s rightful owner (or wishes to provide him the loving permanent home he deserves) please contact the folks at Dog Habitat:

216 Franklin St
Brooklyn NY
(347) 203 – 3934


Miss Heather

LAST GASP: Found On Kent Avenue…

this lovely lass! The details I have been provided by the folks at Dog Habitat are scarce but here they are:

This beagle was found a few days ago on Kent ave and just made her way to Dog Habitat. We are looking for her owner, a foster and a possible home if needed. Please contact us with any information.

(347) 203 – 3934
Rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org

Miss Heather

Adoptable Cuties: Meet Clementine & Smoky

Today being cold and dreary as it is yours truly decided to swing by Dog Habitat and meet a couple of their feline residents in search of a new home. Without further ado, here they are!

First up, I present to you the lovely Miss Clementine. This 1-2 year old spayed female is amazingly friendly and loves to purr. Follows is Jay telling us her story.

Next up, I present this distinguished gentleman. Smoky is is an owner surrender (his “person” recently moved into a senior citizens’ facility). He has a very affectionate personality— as you will see!

Lastly, the folks at Dog Habitat would your help finding this handsome little guy’s owner. “Buddy”, as he is called, was recently found at Sternberg Park. Here’s Jay to tell us his story.

Anyone who is interested in providing a loving home to either of these lovely (and loving) furkids and/or can help Buddy find his way back home should contact Dog Habitat via telephone at  (718) 395-2298 or email at: rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org.


Miss Heather

P.S.: When you swing by be sure to say “Hi” to Lion another adoptable cutie. He is quite a handful!

Adoptable Cutie: Meet Nellie

October 18, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I recently recieve a rather disturbing email form my friend Jay at Dog Habitat. He writes:

We also have a female gray young cat that was left in a basket. She’s still here and we will find her a home as soon as we get her checked out by a vet. She’s a clinger- attaches herself to people (literally) so safe bet she had a home but was dumped on our door step. We’ve rescued quite a few abandoned animals in the 11222. Dogs tied to fences or left in the dog park and cats soaking in their own urine after bring unceremoniously stuffed in boxes with air holes cut out. Not cool.

Naturally I had to see this lady— and the container she was left in (which can be seen at left)— for myself. Guess what?

She’s a cutie! Follows is a little footage of this lady while Jay tells her story. Enjoy!

Don’t let her seeming camera shyness fool you: this is one very sweet-natured and gentle gal. Anyone who is interested in giving this winsome lass the permanent, loving home she deserves should contact the folks at Dog Habitat via email at: rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org. Otherwise I will update this post once Nellie undergoes her check-up and (hopefully) gets a clean bill of health!

Paws crossed,

Miss Heather


While you’re making the acquaintance of some of north Brooklyn’s most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes (like the above the adoptable cuties) take time to savor some of the delicious vegan baked goods for sale. While you’re noshing you are benefiting a good cause! Lisacat writes:

To celebrate National Feral Cat Day, we’re having a special adoption event Saturday, October 16th from 2 to 6 pm! Yes, we’ll have our usual gang of charming and adorable cats and kittens available for adoption but we’ll also be having a vegan bake sale for the humans! Proceeds will benefit our favorite mobile spay/neuter clinic, The Toby Project!

Check it out!

Adoptable Cuties & Vegan Bake Sale
October 16, 2010 2:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

To close on a (somewhat) related note, I have been noticing a lot of graffiti featuring feline subject matter hereabouts lately. Without further ado, here they are!

Nassau Avenue

Union Avenue

Could this be the start of a trend? I can only hope so. Cattitude!

Miss Heather

P.S.: I have also gotten word that Dog Habitat has a new feline in residence. Jay writes:

Had a surprise waiting at the door early one morning. A kitten in a basket. Dropped off some time before 6:30 a.m. Young and friendly. Grey with what could be a broken tail.

Naturally I intend to meet (and film) this little guy (or girl)— STAT!

Photo Credits: Eva Prokop via Lisacat.

SATURDAY: Adoption Event At Dog Habitat

October 7, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This upcoming Saturday the folks at Dog Habitat and Unleash Brooklyn will be showcasing twelve of their most eligible pups for your adoption pleasure. I have it on very good intelligence that a furkid of the feline variety will be making an appearance as well. Check it out! Who knows, you might make a friend for life!

Dog Habitat Adoption Event
October 9, 2010 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
216 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

TODAY: All Creatures Great & Small

October 3, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Just a quick reminder! You can get the full rundown on this event by clicking here.

All Creatures Great & Small: Blessing The Animals and Service of Remembrance
October 3, 2010 Today starting at 4:00 p.m. (the procession of adoptable cuties— including Buster— starts at 3:30 at Unleash Brooklyn)
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Calling All Creatures Great & Small…

September 20, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

(And The People Who Love Them!)

This item comes from my friend Jay at Dog Habitat. He writes:

Hey Heather! Here’s the scoop on the upcoming event on October 3! Could you please post early next week? We’re printing postcards and
posters that we’ll start handing out on Tuesday. THANK YOU!

Church of the Ascension and Greenpoint Williamsburg Mission in cooperation with Unleash: Brooklyn & Dog Habitat Rescue invite you
celebrate your beloved animal on October 3rd at 4pm at the Church of the Ascension. There will also be a service of remembrance for beloved
animals no longer with us — if you would like the name of your deceased animal read during the service, please send an email to ascensionbrooklyn (at) gmail (dot) com or call (718) 389-3831

Follows is the full rundown per the folks at the Church of the Ascension!

This St. Francis day, October 3, at 4 p.m. we will be holding an Animal Blessing and Remembrance service at 4pm at the Church of the Ascension (127 Kent St. between Franklin and Manhattan Ave — emphasize Kent Street, not Avenue!). It is a wonderful service for two reasons. First, animals bless us every day with their presence, their unconditional love and a communication that exceeds anything words could ever convey. Those of us who love animals, who live with them daily, feel as deeply toward them as we do toward humans (sometimes more deeply). On this day we gather to bless them, and ask for their health and joy in the coming year. In addition, we will be having a remembrance of those animals we love that have died. Losing an animal and the lack of closure or ritual around it is very hard for many of us left behind.  We hope that the solemn reading of their names during the service affords some sense of healing and shared mourning over these losses.

Beginning at 3:30 there will be a processional of rescue dogs from Dog Habitat Rescue. If you would like to join the parade we will be meeting at co-sponsor Unleash: Brooklyn (216 Franklin St between Huron and Green St) with the whole array of animals for a solemn, yet noisy procession (incense included) to the church — New Orleans style! If you prefer, you can meet at the church at 4 p.m. There will be tables outside the church to bring awareness to animal rescue concerns and rights issues. All are welcome – cats, dogs and all creatures great and small — inside the chapel for the service. At the conclusion of the service there will be a reception in both the back yard and front of the church replete with animal and human refreshments. Wine generously supplied by Lily from Dandelion Wine and her dog, Bonita (the cattle dog). The event is also sponsored by District Dog. Dogs must be on leash. Cats, rodents and other animals must be in carriers. Teddy bears may roam freely if accompanied by a child.

One such “rescue dog” is the cover canine gracing the flier at the beginning of this post. His name is Buster!

All Creatures Great & Small: Blessing The Animals and Service of Remembrance
October 3, 2010 starting at 4:00 p.m. (the procession of adoptable cuties— including Buster— starts at 3:30 at Unleash Brooklyn)
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

P.S.: I can only hope Draco, the Greenpoint dragon and resident of Kent Street, gets blessed. Sometimes those we love (and, in return, love us) have scales!

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