New York Shitty Adoptable Cutie Du Jour: Looking For Trouble?

If so, Kevin may very well be your guy!

Do not let this innocent “adopt me face” fool you: this feisty feline is capable of all manner and variety of winsome mischief— and when he isn’t Kevin’s simply resting up for more shenanigans— as I learned at the North Brooklyn Cats adoption event today at Muddy Paws. Enjoy!

Those of you seeking a more mellow companionshould meet “Macaroni”:

This sweet fellow loves to be loved. Today he quietly laid in the lap of one lady visitor for 20 minutes. As you can see from the above image he does not like living in a cage. He wants a lap to call his own— maybe yours? You can learn more about Kevin, Macaroni and their equally adorable (and adoptable) friends by checking out North Brooklyn Cat’s Petfinder page. Check it out!

Spotted At Pets On The Run: Adoptable Cuties!

July 24, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This afternoon as I headed out to run a few errands I spotted a new (and as you can see adorable) face at this establishment. Intrigued, I decided to stop by later.

When I did I noticed this lass (?), clearly fatigued from standing guard at the front door, was out cold…

and that she has a “friend”!

Those of you who are looking for a furry companion (or two) should stop by and make their acquaintance. Eyeball-searing cuteness (as seen in the above photo) awaits.

Pets On The Run
989 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Adopt A Buddy (Or Two!)

June 25, 2012 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, New York City 

A lass named Rebecca writes:

I am fostering for “Adopt-A-Buddy” (the rescue is Brooklyn-based; I am a Greenpoint expatriate now living in Forest Hills, Queens). These 2 brothers were turned in to ACC at 4-weeks-old because the owner’s cat had a litter and she couldn’t keep all of the kittens.  Pulled from ACC at the last minute.

They’ve been weaned off of kitten formula.  Beautiful temperaments: loving and playful.  Dog-friendly.  I trim their nails (they do not put up a fight) and they use a scratching post.  No furniture destruction. The boys now are 11 weeks.  The one who looks more “innocent” is the mischief maker.  He is the genius who climbed my shower curtain and promptly fell into the toilet.

The one who looks like Rocky Balboa is the more placid of the two.  Both ask for human love… no “cattitudes!”They both were VERY confused and then annoyed by my attempts to make them sit still for photos. I wanted to name them either “Darth Vader and Darth Maul” OR “Howard Hughes and Kevin”….  The head of Adopt-A-Buddy didn’t think that was a great idea, so they are listed as “Sunny and Shawn” on

At this point, the rescue wants them either to be adopted together, or to go to a home w/ another cat.  A potential adopter who wants de-clawing will be turned down, as will someone who can’t make a (possible) 20-year commitment to care for them.

Anyone wishing to give these two fellows the loving forever home they deserve should contact Rebecca via email at Rebecca11222 (at) hotmail (dot) com

New York Shitty Videos du Jour: Kittens!

May 7, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

When I received word from Donna of Dog Habitat Rescue, that Queenie (as seen in the background) had a litter of fetching felines April 30th, I simply had to see the cuddly undulating cluster of kitten cuteness myself. And today— despite a churning stomach (courtesy of food poisoning)— I did. Kittens cure everything!

Here’s the proud mom.

This fellow struck me as being especially handsome.

But photos do not really get the point across— video is much better!

These kittens— and their incredibly sweet mother— will be up for adoption in a few weeks. When they are reasy to make their debut I will post it here!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Movin’ On Up!

December 13, 2011 ·
Filed under: Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

Some of you might recall the lass at left. Her name is Kaileigh (after the absolutely lovely young woman who found her). I made the acquaintance of her and her namesake behind the Cooper Park Houses last month. Well, Jay Lombard (into whose care this rather vocal lass was tendered by yours truly) had some very good news to share with me this afternoon! He writes:

…did i tell you that I found a great home for Kaileigh?! She now lives in Portland, Maine with a lovely couple. She went from the housing projects in Brooklyn to a Victorian home with a large fireplace and floor to ceiling windows that let the sunlight pour in to her new living quarters. Lucky little kitty!

I initially demanded that Jay tender photographic evidence that this Brooklyn babe is being well attended to. However, on second thought, methinks a “house visit” might be in order: curling up next to a fireplace sounds pretty damned good right now. I cannot tell a lie. I’m jealous!

Urban Fur: Special Cooper Park Houses Edition

John Lennon was really onto something when he said:

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

Today I had a plan: searching for stolen manholes— and find them I did (For example, the above specimen which can be found at Kingsland and Norman Avenue. Please take a moment, gentle readers, to truly appreciate this person’s bravery— or stupidity. Take your pick.). It is also why I currently have a kitten in my bathtub. You read me correctly: a kitten. In my bathtub.

This kitten. But let’s get back to manholes for a moment.

I found the odd one here (224 Monitor Street) and there…

(Russell Street across from McGolrick Park) but I was nonplussed. Thus, I decided to expand my search southward.

And in so doing I discovered this fire hydrant in front of 450 Morgan Avenue which has been divested of its caps and a missing cover to boot! That’s three thefts for the price of one!

It was upon noticing this filming notice (for “Marcher”, whatever that is) gracing the eastern perimeter of the Cooper Park Houses I decided to take a detour… and discovered this little lass.

More accurately: I made the acquaintance of the young lady who discovered her. I asked what gives and she, with grandmother and younger sister by her side, explained to me that this kitten simply walked up to her. I told her that this was one very smart kitten and inquired as to whether or not she was going to keep her. She enthusiastically said “Yes”. Her grandmother (who was receiving a translation of this discussion from a friend) begged to differ. I then suggested:

I can probably get her placed at a rescue organization where she will be adopted to a good home.

To wit this kitten’s new friend asked:

She won’t be adopted to someone who will expect her to hunt and kill rats, will she?

Absolutely not.

I assured her and parsed through my “smartphone” for someone to call. After coming to the conclusion I had, in fact, been outsmarted by said device, I checked my email. There I found an email from Jay Lombard (of Dog Habitat) featuring (what else?) a plundered manhole. I emailed him back as follows:

Can you call me? STAT.

And call he did. I explained to him that I had a very special “thank you gift” for his manhole: a kitten. I inquired if, perchance, Dog Habitat could take her in. He agreed to take her. I relayed this news to her good Samaritan. This made her very happy. She asked me to take a few photos of her soon-to-be former feline friend. I gladly obliged and proceeded to walk down Maspeth Avenue with a kitten firmly attached to my chest.

ASIDE: One of the perks of walking around north Brooklyn as much as I do is I have a pretty extensive knowledge of the street scape and the businesses contained therein. In this case, I knew there was a pet grooming establishment nearby: Lucy’s Lucky Dog. I headed to 1 Maspeth Avenue without delay.

Suffice it to say I did not need to explain why I was there. A carrier was purchased and my new friend was quickly placed therein. She demonstrated her gratitude for these new accommodations by christening it with a fresh (and rather stinky) salvo of vomit.

Perhaps imitation Burberry is not this little one’s style? Only she knows for certain.

In any case, I quickly ascertained she rather liked accompanying me on my walk so I decided to continue my trek.

Eventually, having had enough “sight seeing”, she fell into a deep sleep.

One which— more or less— lasted the entire subway ride back to her temporary home.

Which is, of course, Chez Shitty’s bathtub.

I imagine there may be someone among you, dear readers, who is interested in giving this lass a home. Well, later this evening she will call Dog Habitat Jay’s home her new digs. I will be contacting our local veterinarian and arrange for a check-up and we’ll go from there. In closing, however, I will note that she has a(n albeit) temporary name: Kayleigh. This is the name of her founder who, it should be noted, took great pains to clarify her name spelled specially: K-A-Y-L-E-I-G-H.

Why not?

I say. A remarkable young lady should have a moniker to match!

This post is for you.

SUNDAY: Cat & Kitten Adoption Event At Muddy Paws

Adoptions Again and Forever

It’s been a long time since I have given these events a mention. Today I got a swift reminder in the way of the following little guy dwelling in my photo pool! While not quite ready for adoption yet, he will be at Muddy Paws on Sunday. To give you a taste of what you are in for, gentle readers, I present for your viewing pleasure the following video of “Stripey”. WARNING/CAVEAT: the following footage is incredibly, mind-numbingly cute!

North Brooklyn Cats Adoption Event
October 16, 2011 starting at 2:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Live From District Dog: Kittens & More!

August 19, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

When I saw the sign in front of District Dog stating there were kittens for adoption I simply HAD to see them.

And see them I did! More specifically: I parsed their naughty bits so as to ascertain their gender. By all appearances this sextet (which all hail from Sutton Street between Norman and Nassau Avenue) is entirely male. Hence why I have named this (incredibly cute) crew the “Greenpoint Sausagefest”. Without further ado here are some photographs and video footage of them. As you will soon see they are absolutely adorable— and VERY adoptable!

NOTE: while alarmed by my ringtone (Beyonce’s solo on Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”) they did not run away. This is something for potential adoptees (be they Beyonce fans, Lady Gaga fans— or both) to consider. These kittens will be up for adoption at District Dog tomorrow. After that they will be hanging their proverbial hat at Dog Habitat. Regardless, these winsome chaps need a home. Maybe yours?

Kittens For Adoption
August 20, 2011
District Dog
142 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

In closing I would be remiss if I did not mention that the previous (and rather rambunctious) crew has a neighbor.

I’ll let a chap we’ll call Ed take it from here:

If you feel so inclined would you mind putting this out on the wire for us? The cat in the attached flyer had been seen wandering around Diamond Street for the last week or so before Dog Habitat was kind enough to scoop her up and take her in. The cat was wearing a collar at first, leading us to believe s/he belongs to someone that may be looking for it.

Here’s the flier.

If anyone knows who this lass (chap?) belongs to or cares to give her (him?) a forever home please contact the fine folks at Dog Habitat at the above-listed telephone number.


Miss Heather



Urban Fur: Pets On The Run

Some of you might have noticed a new (and very cute) face at Pets On The Run recently. While I do not recall his name, this chap is one of the many adoptable kittens my fellow Greenpointer, Eva, has rescued over the years. You can meet a few more today at North Brooklyn Cats’s adoption event!

A Hard Day's Night Kittens

You can get more details about North Brooklyn Cats and this event by clicking here. Check it out!

The Kittens (A Muddy Paws adoption event)
July 9, 2011 starting at 2:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: M Is For Mighty

M is for Mighty

Mighty & Steph

As many of you are undoubtedly aware, yours truly is rather fond of cats. So you can imagine my delight when I spied these images on my friend orangegenius’s Flickr page. “Mighty” (as he is called) is three weeks old and was found alone in the courtyard of an apartment building in East New York. Orangegenius and the above lass, Stephanie, are taking turns bottle feeding him (which has to be done every three hours). Consequently, this little fellow has become quite the subway savvy New Yorker! Orangegenius opines:

Mighty is quite the straphanger. So far, he has ridden the L, G, E, F, M, Q, R, 4, 5 and 6 subway lines. He has also taken the B24, B43 and Q54 buses. He liked the M because we took him out of his shoebox and he got to look around and be fussed over.

Prison Blues

Mighty Lounging

I have been told that while not quite ready for adoption just yet Mr. Mighty will be at this weekend’s adoption event at Muddy Paws! Why not swing by and say “Hi”?

Mighty Does Muddy Paws (North Brooklyn Cats Adoption Event)
Sunday June 12th  from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

You can view orangegenius’s full photo set of Mighty by clicking here!

Miss Heather

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