Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Seeing Something, Saying Something
Filed under: 11222, Fuck This Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad

Yesterday while running errands I was disheartened to find yet more stickers for a recognized hate group blighting our community.

Yes, you read more correctly: more. This is something I have been tracking for several months. I am documenting this stuff too. I take photos, note the address and add to my “Hate Heat Map” as a necessary. Yesterday, sadly, I had to add two more. Here is a simplified version of my map.

Let’s be frank here. One dot is one too many. Here we have 32. Here’s the deal:
I have lived in this community for almost 20 years. This is not the first time I have seen, much less reported, this stuff. It was unacceptable then and it is even more unacceptable now. If you agree, you may wish to attend the upcoming 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting and make your concerns known. Lest you are wondering, gentle readers, the police are aware of this. Have been for some time. And now you are too.
94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, September 4th, 2019
7:00 PM
St. John’s Luther Church
155 Milton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: Freeman Street
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Cheers!
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy

Happy Labor Day, y’all!
New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: Green Street
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy

The Word On The Street: Manhattan Avenue
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, The Word On The Street

And Now This
Since my engagement at the 94th Precinct a few things have happened:
1. My attorney sent the Commanding Officer of the 94th a letter. Sex toys are mentioned! He has received no response inasmuch as I can tell.
2. Yesterday just after 6:00 pm I received the above voicemail which I have been generous to scrub the last four digits of the caller’s number.
The deal is this: if I do not know who is calling, I do not answer. There are very sound precedents for this, my, policy too:
1. I have been assigned phone numbers one digit off the from the Bronx Medicaid Office and a travel agency. You think those phones stop ringing after the office closes? Think again.
2. I have been assigned a phone number which clearly belonged to someone incarcerated at Rikers. This in and of itself is not problematic. Rather, the callers were. Folks owing money. Folks owed money. And one woman accusing the guy of giving her a disease. And I was accused of covering for this guy. Good times.
3. I own my time. If I do not want to talk, I am not going to. To anyone. It really is that simple.
Eventually I did notice a voicemail. After a couple of listens and consulting Google I began to understand what is being proposed. Very simply put, Project Reset is the handiwork of the Osborne Association and these folks are acting on the behalf of the NYPD and District Attorney’s Office.
What are they offering? This is where it gets fun. Basically I am to sit down with one of their personnel (who, once again, are agents of the FDNY/DA’s office) and admit guilt to what I have been accused of. It goes without saying this bypasses an attorney/legal representation but I am tossing this out anyway. Then I take a two hour workshop and the matter is dropped. The DA will not prosecute.
The thing is this:
1. I DO have an attorney (and I have referred this nonsense to him).
2. Why should I confess to something if I did NOT break the law? The officer’s interpretation of the graffiti law was— how shall we say— “creative”? When you get down to it, my real crime was not giving these jerks the fear or respect to which they felt entitled.
You know, being a bitch. Being a bitch is not a crime; it is a survival mechanism. ESPECIALLY in New York City.
3. Now let’s consider that the police did, in fact, commit a crime. They deleted photos of the arresting officers from my phone. This is not some arcane law, it is called the Fourth Amendment. So can they avail themselves of Project Reset too?
Seriously folks.
If the Brooklyn DA’s Office or the 94th/NYPD need to talk, they can direct their correspondance to my attorney. He’s Ron fucking Kuby for fuck’s sake.
It ain’t hard to find his number.
P.S.: Once again for the folks in the back. This is all over snarky feminist comments placed on sex toy advertisements. Illegally posted sex toy advertisements on a construction fence. From a company that is suing the MTA because they will not run their femivertising. I did ask Dame via Twitter if these posters were theirs and if so if they had permission to post them from the owner of the property. I never got an answer. Best of all, it has been brought to my attention that this is not the first time the NYPD/94 have tried to pull a sketchy “graffiti” arrest. This woman was offered a deal. She rejected it, got the case tossed, sued and got a settlement. Cheers!
Live From Huron Street
Filed under: 11221, Fuck This Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF
As I suspected, after last night’s storm the Dame sex toy ads are showing signs of distress. This is of course because they are wheat pasted paper affixed onto a construction fence.
I have asked Dame if these advertisements are theirs and if they had permission to post them on this fence. So far, radio silence.
Once again, the NYS code for graffiti:
S 145.60 Making graffiti.
- For purposes of this section, the term “graffiti” shall mean the etching, painting, covering, drawing upon or otherwise placing of a mark upon public or private property with intent to damage such property.
- No person shall make graffiti of any type on any building, public or private, or any other property real or personal owned by any person, firm or corporation or any public agency or instrumentality, without the express permission of the owner or operator of said property.
Making graffiti is a class A misdemeanor. —
If Dame ain’t claiming this as theirs or stating they had permission to post these advertisements on the fence in question, why does the 94th care?
Simple answer: they enforce/obey the law how they see fit. As such, I am arrested on a very tenuous charge at best— and the police later violate the law by trying to delete photos from my phone while it was in their custody. Tried.
Filed under: 11222, Fuck This Shit, GENIUS, Greenpoint, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
Suffice it to say it’s been an interesting week for yours truly. However, as things go, I am a pretty tough bitch nowadays. Also, I have a sense of humor. So when my buddy at Queens Crap had an idea— this being securing coupons for Dame Products and gifting them to 94th Precinct— I decided to follow up on it. I mean, what are they going to do? Throw me in jail? So off to Twitter I went. Enjoy!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is living your best life. I hold no grudges against Dame. They are not the problem. Patriarchy and the upholders of it are.
What Not To Do This Weekend

UPDATE, 8/21/19: From a buddy of mine who contacted The Warsaw. Here what he had to say:
I just received a statement from The Polish National Home . The Polish National Home and Warsaw does not share the views that this man is talking about and that this event was advertised without our consent. CANCELLED!
If you all are looking for something to do this weekend, I would kindly like to recommend inquiring of the Warsaw why they provide a platform for holocaust deniers.* Yes, not only is this fellow a holocaust denier but he is the second one the Warsaw has provided a forum to this summer.
To get the full rundown as to what’s up with his dude, I strongly recommend you go to this Twitter string by Venture Communist and give it a read. Among other things, this fellow has been banned from YouTube for hate speech, believes Elie Wiesel is a fraud; believes Jews were active collaborators with the Nazis in the Holocaust and much, much more. Trust me folks, you will come away disgusted.
*Be sure to mention Marek, the manager. He handles the music side. He is apparently who is bringing these CHUDs in.
Rape Crisis Advocate Training
Filed under: Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn

This was kicked to by my pal Deborah who was the woman/brains behind the Safe Ride Home Act. For those who may be interested, next month there will be training sessions for being a Rape Crisis Advocate at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center. Spread the word!
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