New York Shitty Day Ender: Roost

December 20, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 





From Lorimer Street.

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Videos Du Jour: McCarren Park Mirth

If what I saw at McCarren Park earlier today is any indication (giant snow penis notwithstanding) there was much fun to be had by creatures, be they bipeds or otherwise, as a result of yesterday’s blizzard!

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Presenting The Snowmen of North Brooklyn

(with a decided emphasis on “men”)

Since the sun was out and the weather was too terribly blustery, the Mister and I went for walk. Our reasons for doing so were two-fold:

  1. To get out the apartment.
  2. To peruse the snow creations of our fellow Williamspointers.

To this end we headed to McCarren Park without delay. We were not disappointed.


This old school model can be found near the Lorimer Street entrance.


This lovely specimen can be found a little further afield. The collar is an inspired touch.


It’s a tough job being a snowman. Hence why it is nice to take a load off and sit a spell!


Although a bit primitive, I found this fella (which hails from Bedford Avenue) curiously compelling.


This gaggle of snow creatures hails from 979 Lorimer Street.


I met the trio of very creative lasses behind this assemblage of snow critters, which they entitled “The Peanut Gallery”. They were quite nice.


What is it about the mixing of Halloween and Christmas imagery this year? I don’t know— but I like it!


And last— but hardly least— a little something for the ladies.


I know what you’re thinking:

Is this (which is located a stone’s throw from the women’s “comfort station” at McCarren Park) what I think it is?


Affirmative. Although this person’s command of male anatomy is a bit inaccurate, the point definitely got across. Much to the amusement of passersby.


Here’s a close up.


And here it is after a minor refinement.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Recession Claus!

December 20, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Advanced Life Forms, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


I found this— which the Mister named “Recession Claus” and will undoubtedly give many a child night terrors come Christmas Eve— on Lorimer Street early this afternoon. In terms of the Greenpoint Magic I later beheld during my sojourn through post-blizzard Williamspoint today, this was the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Stay tuned, folks. You’re in for a real treat!

Miss Heather

Something Neat: New Mural on Richardson Street

December 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

There has long been a mural at the intersection of Lorimer and Richardson Street. Over the years it has fallen into a state of disrepair. Hence why I was very pleased to discover a new mural has taken its place! Follows are some highlights.





This mural, as with any work of art for that matter, is best experienced in person. For this reason I strongly advise that if or when the opportunity arises you swing by and give it a look-see. It’s really neat!

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Santa Invasion at McCarren Park!

santa 1

santa 2

santa 3

santa 4

Tony (who sent me the above photographs) writes:

Hopefully some NYS readers will send you better pix from the Santa chaos in our hood this morning.

Indeed. Anyone know what this is (was?) about? If so, please share via the comments. I’m dying to know!

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Urban Fur




South 5 Street



Manhattan Avenue


Lorimer Street


Clifford Place


Meserole Avenue

In closing, here’s an item that might be of interest to you dog lovers out there: Dog Habitat’s Black Friday Adoption Event!


Jay Lombard (of Dog Habitat, who sent me the above image) writes:

Hey lady! We wanted to invite you to visit our adoption event tomorrow from noon to 5 p.m. Eight rescue dogs available for adoption from puppies to adolescent age. Pure breeds and brooklyn mutts. Please help us find homes for these beautiful pups!

I was initially confused by Jay’s missive. There are no ladies at New York Shitty. But I do appreciate the sentiment and will certainly make it a point to swing by and say “hi” these lovely pups. You should too.

November 27, 2009; 12:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Dog Habitat/Unleash Brooklyn
216 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

In closing this post goes out to Lisacat who did her best to assuage the suffering of an auto shop cat named Bondo. I am certain wherever he is (junkyard cat heaven?) he is grateful for your hard work. I know I am.

Miss Heather

P.S.: While I am (ostensibly) on the subject of fur, I discovered something on Manhattan Avenue today that really bothered me.


The above photograph graces Forgotten-NY’s Greenpoint page. Regarding this wonderful example of old school signage Kevin Walsh writes:

When you’ve got a good sign, you don’t need to ever replace it. The old school phone number, probably EVergreen, is still there too.


That is, of course, unless you are Belvedere Partners Corporation. In which case you drill a “For Sale” sign on top of it. I can’t honestly say I am surprised that they saw fit to do this. These folks have been peppering north Brooklyn with balconized Neoclassical crap for years. One of their latest opuses graces Skillman Avenue. It’s a real beauty. It goes without saying you can look forward to seeing it on New York Shitty. Soon.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Guess Who?

November 10, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Bloomblight, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


Winning by 5 percentage points does not a mandate make, Mike. If my memory serves me correctly, you lost the borough of Kings— which is where the above sullen missive (and numerous others) can be found. Appropriately enough, it is on a rotting fence gracing a derelict construction site slated to be a high rise: Bloomblight.

May your four years as a lame duck (and a highly unpopular one at that) be interesting ones. I hope it was worth it. I look forward to documenting them. Your purported “achievements” are a gold crown in a mouthful of decaying teeth. I should know; I live in one of the abscesses.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: How Not To Operate a Bicycle

November 10, 2009 ·
Filed under: Area 51 


This item comes courtesy of a reader named Jan. He writes (in an email entitled “It Had To Happen One Day”):

I was walking down Driggs headed into Northside Wburg this past Friday morning and walked into another comical edition of clowns on bikes.

Between the Union St. turn off by teh dog run and the intersection of Lorimer St. two bikers had what used to be termed “a cornfield meet”.  Dude texting and listening to iPod on his bike going the wrong way down Driggs head-ons a young grrrrl going the right way down Driggs.

grrrl who is paying attention yells “WATCH OUT!!”
dude  “uh, there’s no signs saying that”  – continues to text
dude  “um sorry”
*GRRRL checks bike handlebar/wheel alignment*
**dude gets back on bike, adjusts iPod headphones, rides off a little more wobbly.


**grrl is annoyed, but bike seems ok, she rides off.

We also need to tell people that Manhattan Ave is NOT a bike lane, so don’t f-in yell at old people crossing the street or pulling out of parking spaces.  The bike lane is on Leonard St.

This brings me to something that really bothers me. No, it is not bicyclists. Rather, it is people who are too busy futzing with their various and sundry peripheral devices to watch where the hell they are going. Is it just me or does walking down Manhattan Avenue on any given Saturday or Sunday feel like a game of Pole Position?

Miss Heather

About the image gracing the beginning of this post: this rather nifty sculpture hails from Grand Street between Berry and Bedford Avenue.


Amusingly enough it has a sign on it admonishing people not to climb on it.

Williamspoint Photos du Jour: Special Halloween Edition

North 6 StreetNYS

This is without argument my favorite day of the year. For this reason I put together slide show of spooky stuff from the greater Williamspoint area to get everyone in the Halloween spirit. Enjoy!

Have happy (and safe) Halloween everybody!

Miss Heather

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