From The New York Shitty Inbox: Adopt A Buddy (Or Two!)

June 25, 2012 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, New York City 

A lass named Rebecca writes:

I am fostering for “Adopt-A-Buddy” (the rescue is Brooklyn-based; I am a Greenpoint expatriate now living in Forest Hills, Queens). These 2 brothers were turned in to ACC at 4-weeks-old because the owner’s cat had a litter and she couldn’t keep all of the kittens.  Pulled from ACC at the last minute.

They’ve been weaned off of kitten formula.  Beautiful temperaments: loving and playful.  Dog-friendly.  I trim their nails (they do not put up a fight) and they use a scratching post.  No furniture destruction. The boys now are 11 weeks.  The one who looks more “innocent” is the mischief maker.  He is the genius who climbed my shower curtain and promptly fell into the toilet.

The one who looks like Rocky Balboa is the more placid of the two.  Both ask for human love… no “cattitudes!”They both were VERY confused and then annoyed by my attempts to make them sit still for photos. I wanted to name them either “Darth Vader and Darth Maul” OR “Howard Hughes and Kevin”….  The head of Adopt-A-Buddy didn’t think that was a great idea, so they are listed as “Sunny and Shawn” on

At this point, the rescue wants them either to be adopted together, or to go to a home w/ another cat.  A potential adopter who wants de-clawing will be turned down, as will someone who can’t make a (possible) 20-year commitment to care for them.

Anyone wishing to give these two fellows the loving forever home they deserve should contact Rebecca via email at Rebecca11222 (at) hotmail (dot) com

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Help Chico!

May 31, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Donna of Dog Habitat writes:

Hey Miss Heather, as you know, DHR is for real. This precious kitty needs help. Unfortunately, thats expensive. I just donated. Please share this.

Gladly! Per Dog Habitat’s Facebook page:

This is Chico. A good Greenpoint neighbor has been trying to tend to a multiple litters in an adjacent yard, however little Chico here needs medical attention urgently. He is only about 8 weeks old. As you can see his eye is in really bad shape. DHR is trying to raise some money for his medical needs…

Those of you who want to lend a hand to Chico can do so by making a donation to Dog Habitat by clicking here. Be sure to indicate it is for Chico!


New York Shitty Day Ender: M Is For Mighty

M is for Mighty

Mighty & Steph

As many of you are undoubtedly aware, yours truly is rather fond of cats. So you can imagine my delight when I spied these images on my friend orangegenius’s Flickr page. “Mighty” (as he is called) is three weeks old and was found alone in the courtyard of an apartment building in East New York. Orangegenius and the above lass, Stephanie, are taking turns bottle feeding him (which has to be done every three hours). Consequently, this little fellow has become quite the subway savvy New Yorker! Orangegenius opines:

Mighty is quite the straphanger. So far, he has ridden the L, G, E, F, M, Q, R, 4, 5 and 6 subway lines. He has also taken the B24, B43 and Q54 buses. He liked the M because we took him out of his shoebox and he got to look around and be fussed over.

Prison Blues

Mighty Lounging

I have been told that while not quite ready for adoption just yet Mr. Mighty will be at this weekend’s adoption event at Muddy Paws! Why not swing by and say “Hi”?

Mighty Does Muddy Paws (North Brooklyn Cats Adoption Event)
Sunday June 12th  from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

You can view orangegenius’s full photo set of Mighty by clicking here!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Slide Show du Jour: Found At Prospect Park

These guys (and gals)!


I will not lie to you: yours truly has been in an exceptionally bad mood today. However, who can resist cracking a smile when she had the honor of doing the “lunchtime” shift for a quartet of kittens found recently in (get this) a wood-chipper at Prospect Park? Thankfully for these little ones they were brought to the attention of a Parks employee/fellow Greenpointer named Jonathan and now call the Garden Spot their home. Eventually they will be seeking a permanent place to hang their hats*— but in the meantime behold the mind-boggling cuteness for yourself!

Miss Heather

*When that time comes I will post the details here!

Urban Fur: Booey Rides The B62


I wasn’t able to learn much from the “mom” of this little guy/gal. She had a speech impediment but a beautiful smile and heart. I was able to deduce this little one’s name was Booey. This little commuter/strap hanger is very loved— and cared for! His/her mom had a bag of toys and a thermos of KMR (kitten formula) in tow. Godspeed, Booey! You’re the cutest thing yours truly has ever beheld on the B62. Ever.

Miss Heather

Adoptable Cutie Cavalcade!

Last week was quite a lively one for yours truly— and not exactly in a good way. For this reason I decided to get a little kitten therapy at North Brooklyn Cats’s adoption event at Muddy Paws. Now only did I get my “cute fix”, but I also shot footage of some kittens who would very much like a home. Maybe yours? Without further ado here they are!

The Celestial Kittens

This trio was found in a plastic bag near the Cloisters and turned over to Animal Care and Control. My friend (and cat mom extraordinaire), Lisa, sprung them loose and is nursing them back to health. Although it will be some time before Sky, Heaven and Angel will be old enough for adoption, I cannot resist sharing the above footage. WARNING/CAVEAT: be prepared for heart-wrenching cuteness!

Bubbles & Friends

I did not get the names of all these little ones but above chap is named “Bubbles”. He appears to be the most subdued of the lot— as you will soon see. Enjoy!

North Brooklyn Cats has a number of other cats and kittens eagerly awaiting homes. You can see a few of them by checking out their page on Adopt-a-Pet’s web site. You can view more pictures of the Celestial kittens (including more live footage) by clicking here. In closing, anyone interested in giving any of these fetching felines a home can contact (and “like”) North Brooklyn Cats via their Facebook page which can be found here.

Miss Heather

Help Wanted: Foster Mom (Or Dad)

August 20, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This little one (which the folks at Dog Habitat have named “Socks”) was recently found in a backyard in Greenpoint. He is three weeks old and I have been told was in pretty rough shape. Thanks to our very own Greenpoint vet and the folks of Dog Habitat he is doing much better— but still needs the help of a very special person. May be you? Jay writes:


Do you know any body who could help care for a 3 week-old kitten? we have formula and medication from his visit to the vet. we just need an extra pair of hands to help feed the little guy… we can take care of him tonight and tomorrow if there’s someone who can switch off for the weekend.

It goes without saying that someone who has experience with neo-natal cats is preferred. If you have what it takes please contact the folks at Dog Habitat via email at: rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org. They can also be reached via telephone at (347) 689 – 4000.


Miss Heather

New York Shitty Videos Du Jour: Cute Overload

As you can see in the above photographs Jerzy’s eyes are clearing up and he looks a bit tired. I can assure you this is not his normal waking state. This afternoon Jerzy was quite busy chasing the other cats around the apartment, chasing himself and of course waging war with a hair scrunchie. Follows are some highlights from his afternoon “play session”. Enjoy!

CAVEAT: the following video is mind-numbingly cute. Seriously.

I cannot for the life of me understand why someone threw this little fella away like so much trash. Jerzy is quite an amazing little man. I have no doubt he will make someone’s household a lot more lively with his antics. Maybe yours?

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Movin’ On Up!

To Greenpoint, that is.

After some thought the Mister and I have decided to foster Jerzy, the surviving Huron Street kitten until he gets the loving home he so richly deserves. As you can see in the above photograph he was none too happy about having to wait for the B43 bus (neither was I for that matter— but at this time and in our current financial state limousines are simply not a plausible means of transportation for the Mister and I). I assured Jerzy it could be worse: we could be waiting for the G train shuttle instead. Believe it or not, I think he understood me. He IS a Greenpointer after all.

He was a trouper. I have no doubt all the Polish ladies cooing at him adoringly didn’t hurt either. Jerzy’s a big hit with the ladies.

Right now this little guy is residing in our bathroom— much to the curiousity of our little pride. Tomorrow he will meet our “crew” in earnest. This ought to be interesting. In any case, Lisa and I learned today from a fellow cat lady named Eva that our pronunciation of Polish names could use some, um, refinement. Instead of saying “yerzy”— which is the correct way of saying this little guy’s name— we have employed a hard “J”. In other words, he answers to a moniker which sounds like the latter half of the Garden State. Although we feel pretty bad about this he doesn’t seem to mind one bit. As you will see!

After the Mister and I got Jerzy settled in we decided to go to dinner. We opted to go to a favorite restaurant of ours in Long Island City. Our reasoning was it would give us a reprieve from drunken hipster bullshit. It did: instead we were entertained by a raucous— but not in the least obnoxious— birthday party which was presided over by what can be best described as a 40-something lesbian version of Rodney Dangerfield. With a strong Queens accent. I cannot do this woman justice. She was awesome. After rolling out a series of one liners* she stopped and exclaimed:

Where the fuck is my girlfriend?

It was just the kind of levity the Mister and I needed after a grueling week. Suffice it to say they had fun, we had fun and so, apparently, did Jerzy. When we arrived home we discovered he had managed to “Keith Moon” his domicile— inasmuch as a wee little kitten is capable, anyway. So the Mister cleaned it up. Jerzy explored. And I filmed it.

Jerzy makes it clear that carrier life is not for him!

And last, but not least: Jerzy plays some more!

You can anticipate more footage of Jerzy in days and probably weeks to come. If anyone is interested in giving this very special little man the loving home he so richly deserves please contact me at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. I’ll give you the 411 about the application process.

Miss Heather

P.S.: For those of you who are wondering, the reason Jerzy’s eyes look watery is because they are being treated with medication. Otherwise, he has tested negative for FIV and Feline Leukemia and just underwent his first battery of shots!

*About the people she had previously dated and how much grief it gave her mother. Very funny. Someone should give this woman her own television show.

Name These Kittens: The Bed-Stuy Quartet

Yesterday I had the blues so I went for a walk. I’m glad I did. It was on Wythe Avenue in Williamsburg that I learned things could always be worse. For example, I could be this guy— or worse yet, his ex-girlfriend. So it goes. Today I met some little ones who had an even rougher life… and they’re only six weeks old!

When Jay of Dog Habitat told me last weekend that they just got in a litter of kittens rescued from Bed-Stuy naturally I had to make their acquaintance.

Here they are!

These two are definitely the more outgoing of the bunch. The “crouching tiger” is the solitary boy of the litter. I nicknamed him “Biggie Smalls” because he is the biggest of the “smalls”. His more defiant companion (who Jay has nicknamed “Smudgy”) appears to be the leader of this crew, as you will see.

These two are much more shy. Especially the one on the left.  The one on the right is the runt of the litter. Given she is little…

VERY LITTLE and hails from Bed-Stuy I nicknamed her L’il Kim. Not that these kittens have names per se: they don’t. But more about that later. Here’s Jay telling us how these Bed-Stuy beauties came to be (albeit temporarily) Greenpointers.

Then Jay left me alone to get acquainted with them. We started with an ice breaker I like to call “watch the hand”.

Then we upgraded to a cat toy.

Then we had a little lunch.

But back to the purpose of this post: these kittens do not have names! For this reason Jay and I decided a contest is in order. Do you have names for this winsome quartet of cuties? If so, please tender them via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Otherwise, you can see more pix and videos of these cuties by clicking here.

In closing, here a little something for the dog lovers out there. The above lovely lass, Abby, was recently found wandering around Jackie Robinson Parkway in Queens. Luckily a good Samaritan picked her up. And by the previous I mean lucky for her and us: she’s a sweet gentle thing!

As I have (often) written before: anyone who is interested in providing a loving home to any of these lovely (and loving) furkids should contact Dog Habitat via telephone at (347) 601-8678 or via email at: rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org. Tell ’em I sent you.


Miss Heather

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