Name These Kittens: The Bed-Stuy Quartet

Yesterday I had the blues so I went for a walk. I’m glad I did. It was on Wythe Avenue in Williamsburg that I learned things could always be worse. For example, I could be this guy— or worse yet, his ex-girlfriend. So it goes. Today I met some little ones who had an even rougher life… and they’re only six weeks old!

When Jay of Dog Habitat told me last weekend that they just got in a litter of kittens rescued from Bed-Stuy naturally I had to make their acquaintance.

Here they are!

These two are definitely the more outgoing of the bunch. The “crouching tiger” is the solitary boy of the litter. I nicknamed him “Biggie Smalls” because he is the biggest of the “smalls”. His more defiant companion (who Jay has nicknamed “Smudgy”) appears to be the leader of this crew, as you will see.

These two are much more shy. Especially the one on the left.  The one on the right is the runt of the litter. Given she is little…

VERY LITTLE and hails from Bed-Stuy I nicknamed her L’il Kim. Not that these kittens have names per se: they don’t. But more about that later. Here’s Jay telling us how these Bed-Stuy beauties came to be (albeit temporarily) Greenpointers.

Then Jay left me alone to get acquainted with them. We started with an ice breaker I like to call “watch the hand”.

Then we upgraded to a cat toy.

Then we had a little lunch.

But back to the purpose of this post: these kittens do not have names! For this reason Jay and I decided a contest is in order. Do you have names for this winsome quartet of cuties? If so, please tender them via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Otherwise, you can see more pix and videos of these cuties by clicking here.

In closing, here a little something for the dog lovers out there. The above lovely lass, Abby, was recently found wandering around Jackie Robinson Parkway in Queens. Luckily a good Samaritan picked her up. And by the previous I mean lucky for her and us: she’s a sweet gentle thing!

As I have (often) written before: anyone who is interested in providing a loving home to any of these lovely (and loving) furkids should contact Dog Habitat via telephone at (347) 601-8678 or via email at: rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org. Tell ’em I sent you.


Miss Heather


One Comment on Name These Kittens: The Bed-Stuy Quartet

  1. d on Wed, 19th May 2010 8:47 pm
  2. The runty one looks like Yoda! <3 I wants.

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