Urban Artifact: Special Post-Snow Edition

December 15, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 

Bug Eye

Teddy Post Snow Storm

Lookin’ good…

(Taken December 15, 2013.)

P.S.: Forgot to post these shots from December 9th.

Teddy 12092013

Offerings 12092013

Note the bag of pistachios and lamp tendered as offerings. Fascinating.

The Word On The Street: Greenpoint Avenue



And the “truth in advertising” (intended otherwise) award goes to…

(Taken December 15, 2013.)

The Word On The Street, Part II: BS


Taken December 9, 2013.

Urban Artifact: 414 Days & Counting!

December 5, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 

Teddy 2


Teddy 1

Not anything new to report, per se— but one has to admire the veneer of schmutz “Jail Bear” is rocking nowadays…

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Something Neat!

Leonard at Greenpoint Avenue

Airplace on Leonard

Looking Up


Today yours truly ran errands. More specifically: I ventured into today’s post-nasal drip to acquire ingredients for this upcoming Thanksgiving’s meal. While the weather was hardly enjoyable, I spied a number of things which tickled my fancy during my peregrinations. This (which can be found on Leonard Street at Greenpoint Avenue) was one of them. One has to admire the whimsy and ingenuity at play. A number of items have been “re-purposed” to make this creation, among them: lamp shades, cans and a malt liquor bottle to name a few. I would be remiss if I did not point out the Zywiec cartons crafted into fins. Well done, fellow Greenpointer!

Urban Artifact: 396 Days & Counting

November 17, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 

Teddy Guano and Wine Glass

Poor Teddy

It would appear the Greenpoint Avenue Teddy (AKA: Jail Bear) has lost his companions and has taken to hitting the bottle. Poor furry fella.

The Word On The Street: The People Have Spoken (Once Again)

Keep BK Safe

Today yours truly opted to take a brief constitutional around north ‘Point. As I did I noticed that Charles Hynes, or more specifically his supporters, have seen fit to press the manifold number of construction fences hereabouts into service as billboards. The above missive can be found on Green Street between Manhattan Avenue and Franklin Street. I just about shot coffee out of my nose when I read the tag line at the bottom:

Political Corruption600

Do not let political corruption take over the DA’s Office

Excuse me if I am wrong here but I suspect the reason Mr. Hynes was defeated, by quite a commanding margin I’ll add, by Ken Thompson in the Democratic Primary was due to the fact folks hereabouts are tired of political corruption in the Brooklyn DA’s office. Then again, it has been established that Mr. Hynes does not seem to see it this way. That’s why he is running as a Republican. But I digress.

Gpt Avenue

When I reached Greenpoint Avenue I was faced with this fellow’s visage once more. I was like:

Enough is enough.

And proceeded across the street to tear these damned things down. As I got closer I made an amusing discovery— one which made me reconsider my “plan of action”. It made me smile— and proud to be a Greenpointer!


Well done, anonymous Greenpoint hooligan. WELL DONE!

UPDATE, 6:06 p.m.: It has been brought to my attention that SANO (whose sign can been seen on the fence on Green Street) has had its license revoked for non-payment of taxes. Don’t take my word for it:

Happy Halloween From New York Shitty!

(Or: 380 Days & Counting!)

Greenpoint Avenue Teddy Close Up

Halloween Teddy

I can think of no better way to celebrate Halloween in Greenpoint than paying tribute to the Greenpoint Avenue “teddy bear”. As you can see, I gave the furry fellow proper attire for the occasion. This I did yesterday. What’s more, gentle readers, I have the approval of the person who put him there in the first place! This came to pass last weekend while I was headed over the see the new Banksy piece hereabouts.

Me (ensuring the safety of said teddy—  Banksy has “preservationists”—so why shouldn’t this fellow?)
A fellow we’ll call “F” (grabbing a smoke nearby): You like my bear?
Me: You’re the person behind this?

“F” assured me he was— and went on the explain that he saw bear on top of one of the garbage cans on a rainy night. He felt it would be a waste to simply have it go to the dump so he placed in this window and it has been there ever since. He went on to note:

He’s been there for about a year now.

Me: He’s been there for over a year. I have been keeping track.

“F” went on to say he’s surprised how this bear has become an “interactive” community project— and that he was disappointed that the stuffed kitty has since disappeared. He then mused pondered the meaning of  the bear’s “helmet” (the fur creature which has found its way atop said bear).

I noted that maybe this was his “thinking cap” and pointed out that this bear has been a fascinating testament to what happens when one is subjected to the corner of Franklin Street and Greenpoint Avenue 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If he has a brain (and this cannot be ruled out)…

it probably looks like this now.

“F” laughed at this.

Informed my new friend that come Halloween time I was going to dress said bear “up” for the occasion. He felt this to be a sterling idea. (Obviously I did.)

Before parting ways I asked “F” if this bear had a name.

He replied:

“Jail Bear”.


So there have you.

Happy Halloween Greenpoint (and New York City)!

P.S.: Special props go out to a lady sitting a parked SUV on Greenpoint Avenue watching me install “Jail Bear’s” Halloween attire and documenting it. She was laughing her ass off. That’s the Greenpoint spirit!

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Eyes On The Street

October 26, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 



From Greenpoint Avenue.

Urban Artifact: 370 Days & Counting!


While on the one hand I was rather despondent to discover the kitty has seen fit to leave, the Greenpoint Avenue Teddy has crossed the one year mark in his watch. Here’s looking at you, kid!







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