Williamspoint Slide Show Du Jour: Old School


This weekend yours truly has been getting caught up on a few things I have been meaning to do, but have never gotten around to doing. One of these tasks has been organizing, scanning and uploading my collection of photographs from Williamspoint of yesteryear (such as the rather awesome one which graces the beginning of this post). I am proud to announce that I have begun this arduous process. Follows is a slide show featuring what I have processed so far. Enjoy!

As the previous sentence indicates, I am far from done with this project. You can anticipate more great old pictures in the (hopefully) near future! Tomorrow I will be featuring another slide show of some of my photographs taken in Williamspoint from 2001-2004 B.C. (before the real estate crash). Boy, how things have changed!

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: Tear


From Montrose Avenue.

Miss Heather

P.S.: While I am on the subject of streets and art I found something interesting next to the entrance at La Marqueta this afternoon.



If this is your sort of thing (and you know who you are), go to Moore Street just west of Humboldt. Your dream girl awaits!

Great Moments In Viral Advertising: Humboldt Street



Miss Heather

Quicklink: More Ado About Lucas?

November 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


I caught this handsome (and rather rugged chap) sneaking a little shut-eye on Humboldt Street awning yesterday afternoon. On that note (that being the other kind of catnapping) it would appear the tale of Lucas’s disappearance has found its way to the Brooklyn Paper. Not only is yours truly cited (imagine that) but apparently the guys at Pets on the Run are offering a $200 reward for the return of their beloved feline. You can read the whole sad story by clicking here.

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photos du Jour: Versus

November 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 



From Humboldt Street.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Anyone Lose Some Slacks?

November 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


If, they’re at the intersection of Engert Avenue and Humboldt Street. Go get ’em!

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Rattus Norvegicus

November 10, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


I imagine this is a hold-over from Halloween— or is it? One never knows in north Brooklyn. In any case this not-so-small furry fella (which I like to call a Williamspoint Retriever) from Humboldt Street made my day.

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution du Jour: Poop Talk

November 6, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 



Amy (who forwarded me the above photographs) writes:

hi, i just came across this note while walking my own dog, gladys.

notice how he or she spelled “filthy.”

gladys and are not responsible for the rogue shit (found on the corner of herbert and humboldt in greenpoint). it does appear as if gladys was trying to eat it though. she was. i do not condone this behavior.

Let this be a warning to you, rogue dog owners. This is the “new and improved” Greenpoint;we have standards!

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos du Jour: Special Halloween Edition

North 6 StreetNYS

This is without argument my favorite day of the year. For this reason I put together slide show of spooky stuff from the greater Williamspoint area to get everyone in the Halloween spirit. Enjoy!

Have happy (and safe) Halloween everybody!

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Halloween Watch: Blowing Chunks

I have to admit, I’m pretty darned disappointed with the jack o’ lanterns to be found around Brooklyn this year. That is not to suggest I haven’t seen some cute ones. I have. But living in Greenpoint for ten years has predisposed me towards to grotesque (and downright gross). Luckily enough I found a couple of choice specimens today in the 11211. Here they are.

South 1st Street


This is more like it!

Powers Street


Ordinarily I frown upon illustrated pumpkins, but the sheer ingenuity employed here is truly noteworthy and deserving of a New York Shitty shout-out. Great job!

Miss Heather

P.S.: I suppose no post about puking pumpkins would be complete without bringing back this oldie but goody from Halloween past which hailed from our very own Humboldt Street.


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