Live From 20 Clay Street…
Filed under: 11222, Affluenza, BULLSHIT, Fuck This Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
Also known as the (former) NuHart Plastics Factory, a Superfund site whose owner wishes to convert into yet another glass-riven slab of Brutalist luxury housing. Why let that blue chip property lay fallow when you can rent it out for a rave? I can assure you, gentle readers, that is what is precisely what is happening there presently.
Per the lady who shot the above video footage:
…It’s unbelievable. The music didn’t start yet. Just haunted sounds. A resident’s decimeter hit 9… There’s a fire engine parked in the middle of Dupont St. Cars backing up onto Manhattan Ave, cop cars around on Franklin & Clay, not that it’s stopping the crowd from smoking weed on the line…
Mind you, this event has only begun. And of course I had more than my two cents to say about this shitshow via the rather massive email string which is accumulating in my inbox. On that note, I leave you with this…
Good times.
UPDATE, 12:34 am, November 1: This “party” is apparently getting shut down. I have been told our City Councilman, Steve Levin, is present, along with a Fire Marshal.
And now a message from our City Councilman…
Update, 1:05 am November 1st, 2015: Here’s touching video footage of the first wave of inebriated and swindled party-goes slogging it to the G train.
Happy Halloween.
Photo Credit: Anthony Lopez via The Real Deal.
Video Credit: Laura Hoffman.
Spotted At 230 Bogart Street: Vacate Order
Today, being the second day of winter and unseasonably warm, yours truly decided to go out for a bit. The original purpose was to secure foodstuffs for Christmas dinner. This did come to pass, albeit with a number of detours— and detours from the aforementioned detours. I had a hankering to check out our local Industrial Business Zone. More specifically: I wanted to check in on my favorite feral feline: Callie. This I did, as you can see. The guys at SGI, Peter in particular, pamper this pussy to no end. I love those guys! But I digress.
En route I happened upon this curiosity.
It would appear that Christmas came early to 230 Bogart Street in the way of a Vacate Order. WAIT— make that a PEREMPTORY Vacate Order.
You know what they say:
Except when said cabaret is bereft of a permit and adequate fire protection— in an Industrial Business Zone in Brooklyn. Whoops.
Brooklyn Beast, the business which graced the first floor of this edifice, has posted a notice on the door…
and online. Yours truly is particularly intriqgued by the following (which dates from December 16th):
We are deeply saddened to announce that due to unforeseen circumstances we were forced to close our doors at 230 Bogart St. We have had an unbelievable year that changed all of our lives. The friends and families we’ve met over the year have continuously encouraged us to further spread our mission to inspire others through movement…
Families? This would suggest there were children on the premises. Nice. But the piece de resistance is this:
Special thanks goes out to Queens Crap for helping me research this. Ho! Ho! Ho!
This post is dedicated to the lovely ladies I had the pleasure of waiting— and waiting— at the B43 bus stop at Cook Street for ~40 minutes.
A bunch of pissed off “old” ladies with bags of groceries in tow and a ladder company of New York’s Bravest make for a heady mix.
Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: 239 Banker Street
There is a spectacular array of garbage gracing this illegal loft conversion property today! I wonder where the night regulation/street cleaning sign came from?
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Greetings From 239 Banker Street
A person we’ll “X” writes:
Hello Heather,
I love and applaud your coverage of 239 Banker Street. I have been living in this dump for the past five months and am eagerly awaiting my leave next week. I share your disdain for the illegal occupation of this building, and the complete disregard of the laws and stop work order violations by the management company. Perhaps you’re already aware but I figured I’d share a couple things with you-
Windowless rooms are being rented as bedrooms, which is a fire hazard/illegal.
Secondly, there was recently a backup of plumbing on the first floor, and several apartments were flooded in the bathrooms out to the kitchen area, this water containing REAL HUMAN SHIT AND PISS (Emphasis mine— Ed. Note). Sorry, but it was atrocious. As a result the floor has buckled up and I can say with certainty that since the post-Sandy re-flooring job was done lazily (spaces as large as 3/16″ in certain parts of it), I am positive there is mold growing. I’m feeling extra spiteful of the building today so figured I’d shoot you an email.
Thanks— I honestly do not know what else to say (that I haven’t said many times before)…
Today’s Moment Of Greenpoint Real Estate Insanity: Special 239 Banker Street Edition
You can probably imagine, gentle readers, the recent decision regarding a fellow renting out his apartment (condominium, actually) via Airbnb was of great interest to yours truly. Not that I had to search for it, mind you. Yesterday I awakened in yet another morning episode of allergy hell to find reporting on the subject on my Facebook page and inbox. It’s nice to know people care.
And on that note I am going to pass the love forward to my friends at 239 Banker Street. Today I had a thought while walking by this edifice/poster child for Loft Law abuse. It was as follows:
Gee, wouldn’t it be funny if this building— which was converted from industrial/commercial use to housing illegally— under the pretext of being permissible as a hotel— had a listing on AirBnb (now that it has been established that AirBnb is illegal in our fair city)?
Well, grab hold of your Shit Tits fellow Garden Spotters— it does! What’s more, it is was very easy to discern. Before I proceed, I’d like share to take a moment to share Airbnb’s “response” to the recent court decision (once again, from Gawker):
This decision runs contrary to the stated intention and the plain text of New York law, so obviously we are disappointed. But more importantly, this decision makes it even more critical that New York law be clarified to make sure regular New Yorkers can occasionally rent out their own homes. There is universal agreement that occasional hosts like Nigel Warren were not the target of the 2010 law, but that agreement provides little comfort to the handful of people, like Nigel, who find themselves targeted by overzealous enforcement officials. It is time to fix this law and protect hosts who occasionally rent out their own homes. 87 percent of Airbnb hosts in New York list just a home they live in — they are average New Yorkers trying to make ends meet, not illegal hotels that should be subject to the 2010 law.
Well, given what I have learned recently, we have an exceptional lot of New Yorkers in Greenpoint. Sure, they’re trying to make ends “meet”— but are they home owners? No they are not. Meet “Joseph”. One of the 13%.
This “average” New Yorker is not only a fashion/celebrity photographer, but he has a rather snazzy profile photo and by all appearances resides at 239 Banker Street.
The “giveaway”? Well for starters the buildings gracing “Joseph’s” (AirBnb certified) “rooftop view”: Pop’s Clothing and House of Vans respectively. Here’s an alternate view from 7 Franklin Street (“Pop’s”) courtesy of Google Maps:
I have highlighted 239 Banker Street. But wait, there’s more! “Joseph” has done all the homework for me— albeit unintentionally— via a second listing on AirBnb!
To recap:
- The owners of 239 Banker Street were granted permits to convert this manufacturing/commercial building into a hotel. This is perfectly legal given it is located in an Industrial Business Zone.
- Instead, the owners converted it into residences and leased it as such. For $2,100- $2,200 a month.
- 239 Banker Street was vacated by the Department of Buildings for conditions hazardous to said residents.
- Under new “ownership” 239 Banker is rented out once again as residential lofts. This time for substantially more money.
- I raise hell.
- I receive an email from my City Councilman regarding the matter. I blog it.
- A Loft Law application, however inapplicable it may be presently, is filed.
- And now we have a legally-sanctioned hotel converted illegally into residences which, in turn, one resident is illegally employing his apartment as a hotel via AirBnb. Ostensibly to “make ends meet”.
Wouldn’t it have simply been better/easier if this property was a hotel in the first place?
New York Shitty Feral Furniture Watch: 239 Banker Street
Taken May 4, 2013.
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Moving Day
I was unable to ascertain whether this moving truck was in the hire of a new or soon-to-be former resident. Nonetheless, it serves as a good opportunity as any to note someone has lodged a complaint regarding the elevator at this residence…
45 days ago. Fascinating…
Quicklink: The New York Times Takes On 239 Banker Street
Choice excerpt:
“It’s not crime and disinvestment that’s the enemy of the working-class jobs here anymore,” said Leah Archibald, the director of the East Williamsburg Valley Industrial Development Corporation, a nonprofit organization that administers the Industrial Business Zone. “It’s gentrification that’s become the enemy.”
You read their take by clicking here!
New York Shitty Day Ender: Moving Day
Just another day at 239 Banker Street (taken today, October 23, 2012)*
*For those of you who are wondering, “Mike” is still advertising this very-much-illegal bit of residential space on Craigslist.
From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Dispatch From 239 Banker Street
A person we’ll call “J” writes:
It’s been great reading about 239 Banker Street after I had moved in from your blog. Already planning my move out.
Work restarted this morning: lots of workers all over the building working on apartments. Of particular interest were the bags of cement in the lobby ready to be turned into concrete, and a work permit that expired in July explicitly prohibiting concrete work. So they took down a STOP WORK order to put in an expired work permit that doesn’t even permit them to do what they’re doing in the building.What a goddamn mess.
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