Williamsburg, Then And Now

April 17, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

In addition to a rather nifty cache of old(ish) Greenpoint photos I also recently scored a few snapshots from Williamsburg. Curious to see what a couple of these places look like now, I put on my sneakers and headed to Graham Avenue.

400 Graham Avenue: Then

400 Graham Avenue: Now

Mama Mia has left us and a laundromat has since taken its place. But this is not to suggest that all places on Graham Avenue have been been effected by the rvages of time. Take Mama Mia’s neighbor just down the street, for example.

Caffe Capri looks pretty much as it did 30 years ago, save the addition of gates, an air conditioning unit and perhaps this…

With a guarantee like this, no wonder Caffe Capri has been in business so long!

Caffe Capri
427 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Hits Terrible Two!

April 17, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

As of today New York Shitty has been in effect for two whole years! To celebrate this most auspicious event, I will share cavalcade of colorful crap brought to my attention by none other than the proprietor of Brooklyn11211. He writes:

The Junior High school on South 3rd between Driggs and Roebling has a bunch of tagged poop (yellow, in that case).

Roebling is a wonderland of festively colored fecal matter! Read on and see for yourself.

This King Midas merde can be found between South 1st and South 2nd Street!

Here’s a pair of regal purple poops for your edification.

Just down the street there is this pink poo and its ghost (dogly) companion.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Shitmas!

As Crystal Gayle once sang:

Don’t you turn my brown eyes blue.

And last, but hardly least, my favorite.

I call this composition tree pit with peel and poop. Here’s a close-up.

Looks like the Easter Bunny left Williamsburg with much more than just Easter eggs last month!

Miss Heather

More Monologue Machines!

April 16, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

One thing that fascinates me about the 20-something generation is their love of cellular telephones. Scarcely does a day go by when I am not privy to the boring and occasionally sordid details of some stranger’s life while walking this borough’s streets. How the recipients of these calls manage to listen to this drivel is beyond me. Fortunately, several pay phones in Williamsburg have been retrofitted to alleviate this problem.

This telephone hails from the intersection of Roebling and North 8th Street.

As you can see someone was thoughtful enough to dismantle the receiver, but left the speaking component intact.

The same goes for this pay phone at Broadway and Marcy Avenue.

This is an ingenious set-up. Not only is the recipient spared the task of having to actually listen to what the caller has to say, but he (or she) is also able to chime in with the occasional “uh-uh”, “really?” or “you don’t say” to keep up appearances. Thus enabling him (or her) to multi-task while the talker rambles on and on— like cut his/her toenails (a popular act of personal hygiene to do in public, as I have learned), eat some lunch or make a call on his (or her) cell phone.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Bedford Avenue

April 15, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

From South 1st Street.

Miss Heather

The Newest Williamsburg Craze: Turd Tagging

April 15, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Williamsburg 

Actually, it’s not that new. I have received reports about this kind of activity around Montrose Avenue for some time but never found anything. Yesterday was my lucky day.

Driggs Avenue and North 8th Street!

Here’s a ghost turd from South 1st Street.

Once again, from South 1st Street. A wee bit sloppy for my taste but I suspect they ran out of paint.

Nonetheless these finds were like Christmas, the Fourth of July and a birthday combined! Speaking of birthdays, there’s a very special one coming this week. Stay tuned.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Chien de Maïs

April 14, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

From Kent Avenue.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Pay Phone du Jour: Carpe Diem

April 12, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

This motivational pay phone hails from Roebling Street.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Pay Phone du Jour: Nap Time

April 11, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

As a number of you are preparing to have fun this weekend be sure not to take it too far like this guy did.

Williamspoint_Greenburger (the contributor of the above photo) writes:

Here’s a lovely–REAL, NON-POSED–photo of a young gentleman sleeping on his backpack in a phonebooth. It was taken at 1:30 AM on an early Friday morning. He was conked out less than a block from an “L” train station, just across the street from an all-night bodega. How many people passed him by and did nothing? I called the cops, but I didn’t stick around to see them respond. I considered trying to wake the man. That–of course–is the only reason I took a flash photo. Since the flash did not wake him, I decided against physical contact, since he might misconstrue my intentions should he actually wake up. And being the considerate neighbor that I am, I ruled out shouting “HEY, WAKE THE FUCK UP BEFORE SOMEBODY RIPS YOU OFF, SHITHEAD!”

I submit the enclosed photo not as an object of derision, but as a cautionary example to my fellow North Brooklynites. Sleep indoors, gentle friends, or at least find one of those old-fashioned phone booths where you can prop yourself against the door and no one can open it.

I agree wholeheartedly. North Brooklynites, please use our public pay phones properly.

Miss Heather

P.S.: In all seriousness, my mind is reeling from the number of people I have seen strung out on heroin hereabouts the last two weeks.

Williamsburg Photos du Jour: Rodney Street

April 11, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Inasmuch as this city seems bent on making ugly things, it is nice to see someone attempt— albeit it in a small way— to put something beautiful and whimsical out there for everyone to enjoy.

If the opportunity presents itself do head to Rodney Street (west of Broadway) and check out this nifty piece of art.

Miss Heather

BARCmates: Justina And Provenzana

April 9, 2008 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Williamsburg 

Meet Miss Justina.

This lovely (and very petite) 1 1/2 year old tabby has a lot of attitude— and sweetness. I learned this while interviewing her.

Miss Heather: What’s your name?
Justina: Can’t you read the godd*mned card on my cage?
Miss Heather: Justina, right?
Justina: Call me what you want, I want outta of this dump. No offense to the nice people at BARC— they’ve been really good to me— but this is not the lifestyle I would like to become accustomed to. I have needs.
Miss Heather: A forever home with people who will love and respect you?
Justina: Yes, exactly. Will you please rub my head now? (I did.)

Then I checked in on Justina’s neighbor, Provenzana.

Justina didn’t take too well to relinquishing the spotlight to Provenzana.

In fact, she took a couple of swipes Provenzana’s direction, but one glance from Provenzana was all it took to make Justina settle down.

Miss Heather: So what’s up with you?
Provenzana: I care not to talk about my personal affairs. I live at BARC under the feline witness protection program.
Miss Heather: Racketeering?
Provenzana: No, mouseketeering. Tony Pro sent me to shake down some particularly vexatious mice in Union City and I didn’t find my way home.
Miss Heather: That’s why you ended up in Williamsburg?
Provenzana: Yeah, more or less. I ain’t saying anything more without an attorney present.

In all seriousness, Justina and Provenzana are two (of the many) very cool cats needing homes at BARC. If you want sweet Provenzana is the best. If you’re looking for spicy, check out Justina.

Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
253 Wythe Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Adoption hours: Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 5:00 p.m.

Oh, if you adopt Provenzana please keep her identity anonymous(e).

Miss Heather

P.S.: Katie Gastley is donating half the profits from her show, Animalia, to BARC.

Check it out!

Pillow Cafe
505 Myrtle Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11205

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